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Interrupted Journeys 8: Through Shadow and Flame  by elliska 7 Review(s)
MornReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/1/2012

I stumbled across this looking for fanfiction about the Greenwood/Mirkwood elves and I absolutely love it.

Tolkien really teases us with these elves, doesn't he? They are written about so briefly that is great to let your mind run with them! Legolas and Thranduil are obviously in the books but there's so much to fill in.

I've read it all in the past few weeks and have absolutely loved the way you write these characters. The effort you have put into writing this really shows.

Like I've said, your characters are great, those from the books are written in keeping with what is there, although you've managed to put your own twist on their personalities really well. Your OCs are detailed too, I like the way you have put so much detail into not just the central characters but the history of all the characters, e.g. Amglaur, Engwe and the King's council is really clear in the piece.

You write the serious dark sections of battle and death with great emotional impact. The lighter moments are brilliant too, such as the female dwarf (that made me laugh out loud) as well as the romantic sections and the sweet family moments.

I'm not going to give you a review of every chapter here, but the latest installments are the only ones I've read in order and I've been really excited to read the next piece, especially when you leave us on such a cliffhanger!

I like the development of the characters too, Thranduil has obviously throughout been coloured by his past in losing his cousin, the kinslaying annd the death of his father. You can see now in Galithil how his parents deaths have affected him as well his and Legolas' growing maturity. There is also Marti/Moralfien/whatever her name is next being affected by her past experiences of the house of Oropher.

Is it Moralfien's doing? (I know you won't say ;)) In a strange way there's something much creepier about an elf using Orcs to achieve the same things using men. It feels less of a political move and hints at a much darker depth of the attempts.

How can they dismiss the idea of a Balrog so easily?! They'll regret that later, won't they? When Amglaur mentioned it, you felt like hitting your head on something! Although, perhaps it's better that they don't know for sure!

I know I'll be sat all week worrying about what happens next- this is a sticky situation! My minds been going through you can kill off, and besides Legolas and Thranduil's survival,it's not looking good! Don't leave me on this cliffhanger for to long!

Thank you for writing and keep on going!

Author Reply: I'm so sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. I would have sworn I did, but obviously not. Getting forgetful! :-(

It really made my day to see this review. I'm so glad you stumbled across the stories and enjoy them. I especially love the comments about the characters, because I really do love working on characterization. To me it is the most fun part of writing. The most difficult part for me is action/battle scenes, and I really work to make them important to the characters, so I'm so happy they come across with emotional impact. That is exactly what I am going for.

In the next few stories, there will be quite a bit of focus on Marti/Manadhien/Moraflien and her co-conspirators, so hopefully that will be fun. :-)

Thanks so much for the review. There is nothing more fun than getting a review from someone new. I hope you keep enjoying!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/1/2012
OMG, that's a massacre worth of PJ's gore beginnings, there at the end! And yes, poor Tulus was my thought as well... Looks like Legolas and Galithil and maturing at sword thrusts..:-(

Wiser reviewers have pointed out the highlights of this intense chapter, so I'm just gonna pick up an expression that I loved: "I am not going to die treed... So deeply elfy!!!

Don't make us wait too long for the enxt chapter. I am deeply worried about Conuion and Limmiel and all the rest, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of those missing the party. Great job again, elliska.

Author Reply: I just realized I never answered these. I swear it is good my head is attached, else I might forget it too.

Hehehe! It was quite a nasty business, wasn't it? You have to feel sorry for the guards and especially the children's guards. At least the adults can fight. The children's guards can't assume they can.

I'm glad you liked Legolas's line! It was one of my favs in the chapter too.

Worry was in order, as you can see. :-(

Thanks so much for the reviews! I really do appreciate them!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2012
ahhhh what a cliffhanger! please update soon :D I really love this storyline!

Author Reply: That was a mean cliffhanger, but not too mean since at least we know Legolas's fate. :-) Now the others... ;-) I'm so glad you are enjoying and I hope you continue to. Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2012
This was an incredibly well written chapter. The detail of the battle between the royal family and the orcs was very descriptive and enthralling!
So excited for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you! I really struggle with battle scenes, so I really appreciate that a lot! I'm glad you are enjoying and I hope you continue to. Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them!

DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2012
Elliska! What are you trying to do to us???

I'll try and think of something sensible to say even though my heart is pounding and I'm muttering nasty things about you...

I loved, loved, loved Galithil in this - not only speaking up and answering the questions thrown at the king but being the one to remind Legolas that Now is not the time to argue. We must obey Conuion. He is the captain.

Oh, before I forget to say it - the opening is gorgeous in the description of the evening's fun. I love how elfy your elves are, especially when there are horrors so close to them.

I'm enjoying Amglaur, who manages to be both single-minded and conflicted in this. All he wants is to do the right thing by everyone but he's as stubborn as Thranduil in that and everyone else seems determined to weigh in with an opinion too.

This could not be a balrog. That gave me chills. Both because he dismisses it and because the feeling behind the dismissal is that such a creature is so destructive and horrific that they can't even bear considering it. I also like the references dotted throughout to what they've experienced before, reminding us of their long and difficult history.

Do you know how much I was yelling at Thranduil not to let them go with Amglaur? :-)

This was a truly great moment: It was a sort of twanging noise that sounded familiar, but Legolas could not immediately identify it. Familiar, but out of place, somehow. It really showed that no matter how well trained he is, he's inexperienced. And that out-of-context sound was really unsettling for a moment - except I nearly fell of my seat and was willing him to realise quick smart what it was!!

And then... what can I say? It was tense and awful and brutal and chillingly realistic. You did a great job with the sense of warriors knowing what they're doing (loved the directions through hand gestures!) but then in their midst they have people who are willing and fairly skillful but not used to the issuing or following of orders in this scenario. Then you left us hanging and I was making my own hand gestures...

Where the heck is that witch and her lapdogs?

Where are all the visitors wandering around the forest?

What's going to happen next????

It's too much. You've me worn out. I need tea.

Author Reply: LOL! I had so much fun with this! You picked out some of my personal favorite parts of the story to comment on, so naturally that makes me feel very good. :-) And of course I love to get you nicely worked up like this: Then you left us hanging and I was making my own hand gestures... ROTFL!!

I love the contrast of the merry elves and all the danger around them. That is one of the things that drew me to the woodelves. Theirs is not a protected realm, preserved with magic rings, yet their spirit isn't broken. There they are in the Hobbit, merry making. :-)

Galithil is definitely a young adult in this story. He has made himself into something since the last time he was in this village and in this sort of a situation.

This must be a very tough situation for Amglaur. He has commented several times that he is glad not to rule these Silvan elves, and he wants to stay with his daughter and grandson, but here he is, facing a balrog and a collapsing realm that people are fleeing. He's going to have a bad day.

because the feeling behind the dismissal is that such a creature is so destructive and horrific that they can't even bear considering it
Exactly! They would have to know that a balrog could walk through either of their forests raining down unstoppable doom. As Thranduil thinks, how do you stop a balrog with wooden arrows? One of the scenes Tolkien obviously does not describe, but that I have always enjoyed picturing (along with Legolas telling his father that he stood at the Black Gate) is Legolas telling his father that it was a Balrog. Can you imagine Thranduil's expression when he hears that?

no matter how well trained he is, he's inexperienced and also people who are willing and fairly skillful but not used to the issuing or following of orders in this scenario
Again, exactly! And scary, for him and for anyone who cares about him (or has to care for him). This is a rather large scale battle. Poor Tulus! But seriously, this was one of my fav parts (Legolas not recognizing the arrow) and ideas (their willingness, but lack of experience), so I am so pleased people seemed to enjoy it.

Where the heck is that witch and her lapdogs?
You'll see.

Where are all the visitors wandering around the forest?

I hope you enjoyed your tea. I loved your review. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate them!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2012
OH, OH, I don't know what to say...Well yes, where is Haldir and Co? and Dolgailon?

Very sure who is behind this trap: Moralfien.

And Galithil is really becoming a leader.

Author Reply: Galithil really has grown up since the last time he was in this village. He has become a young adult his father would be proud of.

Moralfien is definitely going to be seen quite a bit more. That's all I'll say. ;-)

where is Haldir and Co? and Dolgailon?
We need someone to show up quickly don't we? Well, we'll see. (I'm mean, aren't I?)

Thank you so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2012
I loved it when Galithil decides to address the anxious crowd himself! Thranduil seems as surprised and pleased as I was.

Too bad Thranduil's so mistaken in his certainty that all balrogs are dead. I did like the allusion to his and Amglaur's long experience with the evils in Middle Earth. Amglaur comes across as really hot-headed. Sounds like he and Oropher must have been two of a kind.

Of course, Thranduil might soon blow up himself if Moralfien keeps on her merry way. I can see why the villagers appreciate the weapons she supplies, though. She's good at divide and conquer.

Talk about traveling to the border made me cringe. Story logic says that will lead to no good. So I wasn't surprised by the attack, though I was surprised by the attack from the other direction. What is it they say you should do when you're writing? Ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen and do it. I did like the way Legolas is a slower than the experienced warriors at recognizing the release of an arrow, despite the way he must have heard the sound hundreds of times.

Oddly, one of the things I also really liked was Conuion directing the guards just by gestures. He's aware of a lot of things going on at once and has absolute confidence that he'll be obeyed. Of course, Legolas seems to be having some doubts about who's in charge. I can't say I blame him.

You outdid yourself with the torture of Limmiel. That went beyond cringing. Thank Eru it was short. But then you moved on to a blood bath for the elves of the Greenwood. You are very mean.

So did Moralfien set up that attack? No, don't answer that. Suspense is good for me.

Author Reply: :-) You really picked out the parts that I liked best here and you made my day!

Thranduil is getting a new perspective on Galithil (and Legolas, later) in this, isn't he? Galithil does a good job dealing with the villagers and he and Legolas have done a good job with the dwarves. It's a big turn around since their last trip to this village.

Thranduil and Amglaur just can't acknowledge it might be a Balrog. Why bother, after all? There's nothing wither of them could do about that. As I said to Dot above, one of the things I have always loved picturing was the look on Thranduil's face when he heard about Legolas and the Balrog in Moria. Whatever else Celeborn and Thranduil might have talked about after defeating Dol Guldur, I imagine Celeborn did not bother to take on the responsibility of sharing that tidbit. I think he'd leave that for Legolas to reveal.

Amglaur comes across as really hot-headed. Sounds like he and Oropher must have been two of a kind.
Oh that is definitely how I picture it!

Thranduil might soon blow up himself if Moralfien keeps on her merry way.
She will and he does, eventually. She's got a lot more in her before she gets caught and a good deal still after that.

though I was surprised by the attack from the other direction. What is it they say you should do when you're writing? Ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen and do it. I did like the way Legolas is a slower than the experienced warriors at recognizing the release of an arrow, despite the way he must have heard the sound hundreds of times.
This absolutely made my day! As did your comments about the battle and Limmiel. As I've said a hundred times, I really struggle to try to make the battle scenes more interesting, so I am always so relieved when people see the little things I can think of to do that. And thinking about what the orcs might do to Limmiel (and others in the next chapter), was pretty nasty, but it has an effect that is important, long term too.

So did Moralfien set up that attack? No, don't answer that.
Hehe! You will see.

Thank you so much for the reviews, daw! I really appreciate them!

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