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Stirring Rings by Larner | 2 Review(s) |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 10/11/2012 |
I see that Ozymandias has sneaked into Arda! ;) Now I see that Saruman is paying the price of not having made a habit of sifting through the memories contained within his staff. Here he is twice confronted with the fact that very much of what he once had been has slipped away from him. I don't think he is going to change his habit, though, even though he promises himself that he is going to mend his ways Real Soon now... Author Reply: I found that there needed to be some concrete reason for Sauron to have fled as he did. Perhaps he had his own encounters with Ozimandus the Numenorean to recall, seeing too much of his darkest nature reflected within this Elf-friend's eyes, and that is why he agrees to flee now. I suspect this was the memory passed on by the Witch-king to his brethren among the Wraiths. And Saruman has reason to be concerned, although I suspect you are all too right--he's out of the habit of sifting those memories, and it will take actual exercise to bring that habit back.... Thanks so, Sunny! | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 10/10/2012 |
Oh, oh, oh! How intriguing! A great prophesy, and one that would naturally alarm the W-k! I like your version of the Oldbucks. I started one on that subject for B2Mem, but have yet to finish it. But I think we are in agreement on several things! Author Reply: I've alluded to this prophecy before, as the reason why the Witch-king did his best to get rid of the royal family of Cardolan. Now I've given it its context, and I feel relieved. And you, too, were imagining the Oldbucks? Oh, I can't wait to see it! | |