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Stirring Rings by Larner | 3 Review(s) |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/14/2013 |
It appears Radagast is wiser that Saruman might have liked. Even now Saruman seems to be drifting to Sauron's side. The ring is taking Smeagol over already. His strange manner of speaking should alert his grandmother that something is not right. Author Reply: I so agree, Tari. Saruman has so hard a time accepting that he is less than he could be, and perhaps subconsciously realizes that it's true anyway. His envy of Gandalf is definitely growing greater. And the Grandmother is already closing her eyes to what she knows in the depths of her heart. Yes, Gollum is already losing himself! | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 34 on 12/11/2012 |
The transformation of Sméagol has begun. Surely his grandmother sees the difference in him. Soon he will be cast out to fend for himself; all for the ownerhip of a ring which will lead him to his doom. Author Reply: Oh, yes, Smeagol is already on the way to becoming Gollum. He thinks he has such a treasure when in reality it has caught him! | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 34 on 12/6/2012 |
Saruman is certainly doing his very best to lead the rest of the Council astray! And now we are getting closer to the events of the Quest for Erebor... Author Reply: He's refusing to give the devil his due recognition. Could it be because he's actually frightened to face Sauron himself? Thanks so, Dreamflower! | |