I am glad that you have not given up on this tale. I can understand why it has taken a while. You have several other stories in process. "My father promised me a sword, I would find it in my greatest need." As always, your opening quotes are perfect. Of course, Faramir would go to the defense of the women and children. I enjoyed the description of the child and the kitten. Both were terrified of the warg, but both were also not quite smart enough to stay away from it. Although, I have no doubt that the kitten could have run fast enough to escape into some tiny little corner out of the warg's reach. "My Father..." Gandalf had no children, that we know of. But of the ones in Middle Earth whom he taught and advised, Elrond and other elf lords, Gerontius Took, Bilbo, Frodo, Aragorn and other heirs of Elendil, there was only one whose actual father accused him of being more loyal to Gandalf than to him. And, while in Henneth Annun with Faramir, Sam Gamgee said he sensed something wizard-like about him. My vote is still that it was Gandalf, and the sword would look familiar to both Faramir and Aragorn because it is Glamdring! That still leaves the mystery of how did Gandalf know? That could make a story by itself. As a parting note, I very much like the verse. It is perfect for Faramir. |