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marinus stiria by bryn | 2 Review(s) |
Estel_Mi_Olor | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/25/2004 |
Ai Aragorn!!! What is he doing? Stop him!!! Gees, just because Legolas is coming to warn him, that fool decides to ignore his wife's warning and look at the Silmaril. Ai Aragorn!!! Can't write, must read!!! | |
Miriel | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/20/2003 |
I loved Legolas' musing on Gimli's reactions to his words taht the sea was somewhat off. Fidgity little Bergil...would know him anywhere. (Maybe, when you finish with these, you can write a Bergil story! I'm sure that you would have an instant following.:) True...Legolas senses seem highly tuned to the poitn where he senses things that others do not. Mortals, for instance. Why does Arwen sense nothing? The descriptions of the feeling of the Simarils where right on the mark. The stars, yes, and the sea. Lovely. No! Stupid Aragorn! Why did he do that? Stupid mortals... *Ignores fact that I have just insulted my entire race* Author Reply: I really really like Bergil. I will say no more on the matter for now, because, well... Yes. Is the Arwen section posted yet? Oh wait, I think I'm just about to post it. That should explain a little about Arwen's desensitization (really hope that's a word). She's mortal now, and enclosed in the city. It's compromised her senses to some degree. She does, however, sense SOMETHING, though not to the same degree as Legolas. *grin* Aragorn is always portrayed so kingly and perfect. Let him have his faults, I say! He's only a man--what makes him so special? Okay, granted, he's King Of Everything, but he's NOT perfect. He can't be. Otherwise he would be very dull. Faults add character! Even if they make you do dumb things. ;) | |