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Enigmas- The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo  by MysteriousWays 1 Review(s)
MirielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/14/2003
Oh no! They just missed the hobbits...I guess that we will have to go through more anxious agony until they *FIANLLY* meet.

That's very interesting that she dreams about "shoadowy figures." She's (most likely, right?) dreaming of Frodo. I can't wait to know if he dreams about her!

I really love the way that you are handling this story so far. It's not another of the usual Frodo/maiden type stories. It's better, well thought out, and has a believable character.

Please update soon!

Author Reply: ENJOY THE AGONY!!! heehee

As a matter of fact I have given this story lots of thought. I have no wish to deminish Frodo's sacrifice in anyway. It is a balancing act, maintain the magnitude of his sacrifice while still allowing for the possibility of love. I feel that it would take a ver speacial Hobbit Lass to achieve that balance so I have given lots of thought to who that lass is and what makes her special.

Linwe is not me, she is nicer than I am. I have spent a lot of time getting to know her and I love her as much as I love Frodo.

There are a lot of romance stories out there written for Frodo I am honored that you think so highly of mine, and that you were able to percieve the thought I have put into it.


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