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From Wilderness to Cities White  by Larner 3 Review(s)
KathyGReviewed Chapter: 45 on 6/19/2014
Amazing the difference that a good bath and a shave can have! =)

Author Reply: Oh, indeed, Kathy! Heh!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 45 on 6/19/2014
I love that exchange between Merry and Aragorn!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: As in the movie Merry is the most suspicious at that point of Aragorn, I felt it fitting that Merry be the one who didn't recognize him! Heh! Thanks, Antane.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 45 on 6/19/2014
Oh I loved this! I fully agree with everything you wrote concerning why Aragorn was dirty in the wild, but always cleaned up when safe to do so. Growing up in Rivendell, he had to have been raised to be clean. His dirt was an excellent disguise. I also loved the "music" at the end. Thanks.

Author Reply: Aragorn has had to learn protective coloring over the years, or he would never have survived to this point, I suspect. But given the chance to be truly himself, I do believe he would relish a nice hot bath and clothing that was both clean and more in keeping with what he'd have worn as a child.

And I'm so glad that you liked the "music." I suspect Aragorn was able to recognize when he was being overly pompous at someone else's expense. Heh! Thanks!

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