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The Revenge of the Wood-Elf (Telerius galadh)  by Orophins Dottir 14 Review(s)
technetiumReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/6/2004
I feel sorry for BW (and more sympathetic knowing she was only involved in the field research and not the dissection). Zippy cheering her up with bandaids was a cute picture. Your inner thoughts of the Elves are hilarious - I especially laughed at "I swear, if Galadriel didn’t have Nenya all these long years, Lórien would be a subdivision of Mordor by now." and "Throwing a Thranduil."

Author Reply: The Wood-Elves do not get enough credit. The Scribe is a one-elf campaign to fix that. They deserve RESPECT. I shall throw a Thranduil if they do not get it.

BW is innocent. She did all in her power to prevent the dissection.

Thanks for the review!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil
(and Keeper of Zippy's Bandaids)

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2003
"Oh, swell! Elrond is in his damn library again, and this time he’s got Galadriel with him, and I’ve got that stupid shieldmaiden of the Rohirrim galloping toward my palace to take care of the Mary Sues. THAT should drive the shadows of evil back from the Wood as soon as they become aware of it. No doubt the next squirrel I see shall be white! <<<

oh dear! Sides begin to ache! I have to tell you Orophin's Dottir, I know almost nothing about elves, other than most of these people are ones. But this is too funny. Poor Legolas!

I am late arrived from seeing The Last Samurai and must admit that the more I see of the previews of ROTK the more it looks like a parody of itself! It hurts. It burns. Last Samurai should definitely nab Best Picture, it is awesome. However...ROTK looks far too rife with material to ignore for long in the, um, 'movieverse' universe.
isn't it the classic badfic portrayal of Thranduil as 'mean'. You honor badfic with your effort. I salute you. Lindorien

Author Reply: Ah, yes, Thranduil. My liege. He doth have a hasty temper. I could not resist. Giluviel is far too trusting an elf. That is why he doth have his ever cynical brother Legolas!

Must see "Last Samurai" after the Solstice madness dies down.

Where are my lembas latkes? I await them drooling.

The Scribe

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/20/2003
Oh, my gosh, you've really been in the trenches, haven't you? I spent nearly four weeks on the road this year on bull**** trips eating up end-of-fiscal-year budget surpluses. Maybe you could do a comic strip or something - Dilbertion??
Loved Thranduil bellowing. He manages to bellow even when he's thinking to himself, doesn't he? Oh, I'm just salivating at the idea of Eowyn facing off against the tribe of Mary Sues. Bless you.

Author Reply: Yes. Budget surplus. The delightful courses. Not something sensible as the "Care and Management of your Elf" mind you. No, we get things like "Decisioning" (I SWEAR that that was the real title of a course prospectus. My beloved boss and I chucked it quickly into the Void.)

Fair warning to tread softly as you do approach chapters 6 and 7. Repeat firmly to yourself that I do really love my liege lord. He but had a moment or two.

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

LamielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/31/2003
So what does BW think of being tucked into this story? Nice role for her, though, bringing final revenge on the poachers. Loved the bit with Zippy. Very cute.

Author Reply: I believe BW is fast approaching the point of no return. Does anyone remember if the Connecticut Yankee stayed in King Arthur's court? After life on the road with the Galadhrim/Wood-Elves and a sojourn in Imladris and Taur-E-Ndaedelos, not to mention the upcoming voyage to New Zealand, philology may prove too dull for this maiden. Besides, after Legolas has his revenge on the dissection team, I think BW's face may be figuring on some post office walls along with her comrades! Zippy returneth I promise you. I always liked Zippy more than Bandaid.

Thanks for the review!

MarnieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/30/2003
And lo! Even as I reeled in laughter from the last chapter there arose a new one more funny than the last, for Thranduil was in a right snit and most amusing therewith. Right glad I am that the foul tribe of Mary Sues is imprisoned in Thranduils' dungeons, but more glad to gaze once more upon the fair form of Lord Celeborn (who's *my* alpha elf ;) ).

Yay for Celeborn, Thranduil and BW! Nay, some strange fashion of speech is upon me. Alas! I too fall beneath the fell influence of New Zealand...

More soon, please!

Oh, this is so funny, could I possibly put it on my site? The site is here:

If you want to check it out.

Author Reply: My lady, you do me great honor. I have looked upon your site and found it fair thus is my gift to you full permission to place my story there. You have moved my heart. Ai! It is really a beautiful site. I love the illustrations, and I'm looking forward to reading some of the stories I see there. Right now I am keeping my nose to the grindstone in an attempt to finish and post a new chapter by this evening. Celeborn figures greatly in this one, and he reveals the warrior beneath the gentle wisdom. Like yourself, I was always drawn to Celeborn and his strength. While I admit I still use the book as a compact reference, few things have angered me more than Robert Foster's description of Celeborn in his "The Complete Guide to Middle Earth". A pox be upon his house! Shall we form an alliance against him? Please email me at if you have any questions.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/29/2003
Nay, Nay, my Lord Thranduil! You must not release this wench from thine dungeon before thy son hadst wrought his revenge upon her. Excellent chapter! You made me sniffle a bit for poor, grieving Thranduil.

Sarcastic ElfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/29/2003 is hysterical. So, we finally get into the heads of those mighty Elf Lords and find out what they are really thinking. Good job. Looking forward to more ^_^.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/29/2003
Ooo... this is getting interesting, in more than just an amusing way. It's still very funny, but now there's an element of intrigue and mystery to it. I'm curious to learn more about BW, who is so obviously not of the tribe of Mary Sues, and how she came to be in Thranduil's dungeon.

Celeborn seems to be the only elf-lord who doesn't have duplicitous thoughts. Is he really as honest as he seems? Or is that merely because we haven't seen his thoughts yet? Maybe he really is an elf who says what he means. Being married to a mind-reader like Galadriel, he might have decided that honest-thinking is the best, and only, policy. LOL


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/29/2003
Oh, my, Mary-Sue's will not know what hits them when Eowyn arrives! They will meet a maiden who the Mary-Sue's can only hope to be like but will never come within a mile of emulating. Go at 'em, Eowyn!

Ah, but BW now knows her new king - and where New Zealand is. See, being smart alwasys was better than being pretty. Unlike those courteous elves who are both *sniff*

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/29/2003
I love Celeborn's courtesy! But the contrast between his and Thranduil's words and their thoughts is a riot. Also, Celeborn's thoughts of his wife and Thranduil's make an interesting contrast too. What do you have in mind for the Mary Sue's? They must be thick on the ground.

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