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The Tenth Walker  by Lindelea 6 Review(s)
sueReviewed Chapter: 91 on 4/5/2020
How is dear Bill? It has been so long since you have reported news of his doings. Won't you please contact him and tell us how he fares?

Author Reply: Dear sue, I am actually working on this one again, and I hope to be posting regular updates. Thank you so much for checking in. By the way, for an "interim" dose of Bill, check out "Flower Fest" in the This and That collection of stories.

I hope this finds you and yours well. Stay safe.

Sue CookeReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/16/2018
Oh, my Bill is back! He is worrying so. He will drop weight if
he goes on like that.
I've missed him.

Author Reply: Much-belated thanks for your encouragement. Spurred by the current stay-at-home situation and finally having some additional time just to sit and think (I might understand Bilbo much better now), I have been able to return to writing. Bill's story is next on the to-be-finished list, so I am chipping away.

I hope this finds you and yours well. Stay safe, and thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

spinsterReviewed Chapter: 91 on 10/27/2018
Oh sweet, sweet Bill. I have been wondering what has become
of you and so,here you are. I so enjoy Bill's adventures
and his outlook on the trials of the Fellowship.
I am glad to be on the trail with him once again!

Author Reply: Belated thanks for your stopping to leave a good word. I'm sorry I didn't answer this earlier. It is so good to know that Bill has people rooting for him.

Semi-retirement and this virus have collaborated (or do I mean cooperated? coincided?) to draw me back into reading and writing fanfic. I've just finished a new story and an old WIP, and Bill's story is next up in the list, so I just posted an update and am already written ahead several chapters.

So glad to hear from you. I hope this finds you and yours well.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 91 on 10/23/2018
Poor Bill doesn't know it, but his days with the Fellowship are numbered!

Author Reply: Alas, poor Bill!

Once we've reached Moria, I will have to motivate myself to keep going to the finish by knowing exactly when he will reunite with his Sam, even though there's some difficult storytelling to get through before getting there...


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 91 on 10/23/2018
Tall Hat’s cloak seems to melt into the wood and his figure all but disappears as if he has become a part of the tree.

I really like that image.

Author Reply: Thank you!

I think, with all the dangerous places he must go, that he's fairly practiced.

Thinking good thoughts in your direction. (hugs)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 91 on 10/22/2018
A pony's experience with gates is limited, and it is endearing to read his thoughts on the subject. Alas that we know he is soon to be parted with his Sam and the Master. At least his idea of preparing is most practical.

Author Reply: Thank you! I have noticed that the equines of my acquaintance were usually quite literal and straightforward in their thinking, unless it came to something that startled or frightened them. In such a case, they proved incredibly imaginative. (That blowing piece of paper is a monster! It's going to devour me!)

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