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No Man's Child  by anoriath 2 Review(s)
BlueberryReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/8/2019

Why did you delete all the chapters? Did you change anything?
I've read your story a few times over the last years and always hoped you'd finish it some day, so perhaps now I can read the rest?
I really love your story, and always wondered whether there will be a happy ending for Nienelen and Aragorn (and their children of course). So I'll be waiting for the chapters I haven't already read...:)

Author Reply: Hi Blueberry!

I’m so glad you’re still here and still interested in reading this story.

I feel bad that I didn’t reply to your reviews and I know it’s been a long time since you wrote them. I’m afraid I was in a not so great place at the time. But! Things have improved and the bug bit me again.

I had essentially written myself into a plot hole that has sapped all my joy of the piece for a long time. I have since figured my way out of the hole. So, yes I’ve made some substantial revisions to some of the characters and plot points. You probably won’t notice the changes until a few more chapters in, but I’ve tweaked things enough that you may want to skim these first chapters again or the later major changes may not make very much sense.

I’m so tickled that you’re reading. Thanks so much for reaching out.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/4/2019
It is a question well worth the asking, is it not? She still has to learn that his heart is given elsewhere, and that this is why he does not yet take the right his vows have granted him. But at least he has set things in motion for her to care for herself should he not return from one of his forays against the many enemies facing their people.

Author Reply: But at least he has set things in motion for her to care for herself should he not return from one of his forays against the many enemies facing their people.

Yep, Aragorn Elessar "Duty and Honor" Telcontare, that's his name. :)

Well, I hope it's coming across that these are two honorable people just trying to do the best that they can.

Author Reply: Oops. Too quick on that submit button.

Thanks for reading and commenting Larner. I woke up this morning to all of your reviews. What a nice treat.

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