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No Man's Child by anoriath | 3 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 63 on 2/9/2020 |
It is two peoples he must unite now. Love the dancing of the child as she resumes her place as Aragorn's daughter, and as she sees him crowned, and as he in turn crowns her mother. Elenien will have her place in the new order, once it comes. Author Reply: Love the dancing of the child as she resumes her place as Aragorn's daughter Thanks Larner. :) She really is all kinds of fun to write, particularly now that she is feeling more secure and can go out there and feel safe to explore all kinds of things. | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 63 on 1/30/2020 |
I find it hard to believe that Boromir would speak to a woman who so rudely, i.e. frowning and speaking in a demanding way. He could see that she was accompanied by an Elf; and also, as a woman, he would not have thought her a threat/combatant, no matter how Nienelen looked. Little Elenir is adorable. I hope she lives to grow up and rule at least the Dunedain of the North. Author Reply: I find it hard to believe that Boromir would speak to a woman who so rudely, In ordinary course of things, yes, I would agree. Here's my thinking: In this context, this is the day after the Council, Boromir has just learned about the One Ring, gotten a shock in the appearance of the Heir of Isildur, been shot down in his hope of defending his people with the ring of power after traveling all this way with the hope that he might save them. And then he is suddenly confronted with a woman who he would, at least at first, think was from Umbar. I would think he would be shocked and taken aback at the thought that, if this woman is here, no doubt she is not here alone, and he'd want to know more. Umbar is one of Gondor's longest and most fierce enemies among Men, and its people are seen in Gondor as being "lesser" and easily exploited into following Sauron. As a leader of Gondor's military, I do not doubt he has seen firsthand the aftermath of what the Corsairs have done in their raids. And here they are, to his surprise, in close proximity to the Ring. I think that might shock him enough that he doesn't quite process how she is dressed and who she is with at first. And he immediately regrets it once he has a moment and her position is pointed out to him. Little Elenir is adorable. Thanks Raksha! And thanks for your honest feedback, too. | |
sue | Reviewed Chapter: 63 on 1/24/2020 |
oh, soon this story must end. Whatever shall become of wife and child? This has been a wonderful story. Thank you Author Reply: Thank you Sue! I'm glad you have been enjoying it. I'm really hoping that the ending satisfies. | |