So, we shift to Sam's point of view. Ain returns, and the news is not so good. I am sure that Caras Galadhon is still busy doing their own fighting, so will not be of much help yet. And oh, never underestimate the older cousin. It seems that even the elves and Boromir respect Frodo's determination! Then we arrive at the other camp, and it is as bad as had been said. Again, though, Merry proves why he was "meant" to be there. Even Estel has lost "Estel", hope, but the Hobbits have not! Sam's constant foresight and preparation for any future need ensured that there is Athelas to use. And Boromir hears an elf say "the hands of the King", and gains an increased respect for Aragorn. And now, there is indeed hope! |