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Let Sleeping Dogs Lie  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
SoledadReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/23/2024
Ah, this was such a sweet story; and with excellent world-building, too! I'm glad to see it come to completion.

Author Reply: Thanks so much! I appreciate your taking the time to read and leave some encouraging words. Glad to have you along for the ride!

Completing the story was bittersweet; it was my last tie to Pandemonium, one of the models for Mittens. But it was also a good thing to be able to mark one of the WIPs "Complete" at last. I've been working on several of the WIPs in the background, so now I feel as if I have space to start publishing chapters from another story.

I'm also carving out some reading time and looking forward to reading more about Náli and Rei. My only trouble is the broader background of your tale and the knowledge of what happened to Balin and those who followed him. You have breathed such life into this minor canon character; he's become quite real to me.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/19/2024
How sweet for both Mittens and Peace. They have such honorable positions in the new order of the White City!


Author Reply: The pair of them will carry on Pippin's determination and his self-imposed mission of bringing playfulness and joy back into the lives of Minas Tirith's children. It's a tall order, but I am confident that they'll excel in carrying out their duties.

Thanks so much for stopping to leave a good word. Looking forward to seeing you later this month!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/17/2024
Mittens and her kitten getting so much love! The City finding its colorful and bustling self again! The ladies seeing the City through the eyes of a young hobbit, and the citizens seeing them all as people -- not just remote celebrities.

Thank you for such a lovely Epilogue, and congratulation on finishing your Tale. I enjoyed this story so much, my friend.

Author Reply: Thank you for staying with me to the end of this tale, dear friend. It's been years in the making! I am so glad to hear you enjoyed it, and I appreciate your taking the time to stop and share your thoughts.


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