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Of claim and councils  by Itarille 2 Review(s)
periantariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/26/2024
Awesome gapfiller and it just seems so right to include the conversations between Faramir and Gandalf and then Faramir and Aragorn. It is interesting to think of what might of went on between the time of Faramir and Eowyn in the Houses of Healing and when Aragorn was presented as king. Each must've thought about what duties will change and how Faramir might've perceived this shift of power.

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I like your username :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/24/2024
This is marvelous, and beautifully written. I hadn't thought about the possible complexities of this historic transition. All the people of Gondor would see is a smooth and reverent transfer of power and never imagine what it would have been like for Faramir and Aragorn.

Now for chapter two...

Author Reply: Shirebound,
Thank you for leaving a review! I have enjoyed many of your delightful Hobbits stories. It means a lot to me that you found pleasure in mine.

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