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Of claim and councils  by Itarille 4 Review(s)
SoledadReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/8/2024
This was a very interesting story. Love your Faramir voice and the understanding between him and Aragorn (even though, personally, I always rooted for the Stewards, but I'm strange that way). Your writing style is so beautiful (now that I'm at a proper keyboard, I can actually spell that word correctly), I enjoyed every single line of it.

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind words, it is a high praise indeed to say that you enjoyed every line.
I have always admired the Stewards, and need I say that Faramir moved me very much? I have high respect for Denethor, too.
As to the King displacing the Stewards, yes, if only there could be another way. But since I am writing a canon-compliant fanfiction, this story is the farthest I could go.
More than a few times, I fantasized about an AU where the Quest failed (or succeeded but a little late) and the line of the King died with Aragorn. But even in that scenario, I do not picture Faramir to take the King's place. He is such an excellent material for a desperate last stand, or as a leader of Numenor remnants in exile.

periantariReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/26/2024
gorgeous fic and you've written Faramir's voice so well.

I really admired the parts about him missing Boromir and Denethor- i always was curious about this turning point for him to adapt to.

Also, it is interesting for me to read the letters between him and his cousin- definitely i feel Faramir post-Quest is so interesting to write about because i do feel like he had to deal with a lot for Gondor and himself personally and Tolkien did not hint at much on what happened.

I did what I could, in the short time that I was given, to get to know the King, and I liked what I found. I presented his claim fairly to the Council of Gondor and we had accepted it. I accepted him as my King; did I do it for the right reason? Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old, gracious, gentle… Have I squandered my charge for my feelings and fancies, for my desire to appear lordly and generous?

LIked this part a lot. You write so very well and in the correct voice of Faramir. WIsh you would extend this and write more about post-Quest relations between Faramir and Aragorn!

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind words. Yes, fortunately and unfortunately, the Professor did not write much about Faramir after the crowning. Fortunate, as it gives us things to imagine and think about.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/25/2024
A wonderful tale! Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and reviewing. I saw your profile, you have been writing (and reading, I guess) fanfic since 2006 (or earlier)! I'm glad that you like my attempt.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/24/2024
Do you know what I felt when the King showed me the sapling of the White Tree? I felt as someone who finally can release his breath, and only at that moment realized that he had held his breath for some time. I had a peaceful sleep that night; perhaps the last time I slept like that was when I was a child.

This is lovely, and a longed-for healing moment for both of them.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. Well done.

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind words! I am happy you enjoyed the story.

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