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Kindness in Silence  by Itarille 3 Review(s)
Lady ForlongReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/13/2024
Minor characters are excellent material for fanfic, as well as ones who we don't know whatever happened to them (Maglor, Daeron, etc). I think you made a good choice with Duinhir.

I also think you got Faramir right, especially his kindness. Gotta love Faramir.

Author Reply: Thank you for taking the time to review. I am glad that you think I got Faramir right.

"Gotta love Faramir" -- I could not agree more!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2024
Their suppers were mostly in amiable silence, but every now and then Duinhir found himself talking and not finding it too burdensome.

What a lovely and moving story. Sometimes grief shared isn't doubled, but halved.

Author Reply: Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! I am glad you enjoy the story.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2024
What a beautigil piece! I think this is the first time I 've read a story featuring Duinhir - thank you! Too many of these minor characters are overlooked.

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind review. Professor Tolkien told us that Duinhir brought his two sons with him, and both fell in the battle. Assuming that Duinhir survived the battles, I thought, here was a father who lost two sons, and a son (who happened to be a very merciful and perceptive man) who lost his father.

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