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Unexpected Fate  by Ellynn 3 Review(s)
ItarilleReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/30/2024
Thank you for sharing this interesting story! I like how you described the Pelennor Fields and Osgiliath. And you mentioned steel beams! This engineer is happy :)
I also like the idea of using Grond to form the structure of Osgiliath out of defiance.
I am not sure I get this correct, in the 3020 part of the story, where did Gandalf ride from? He went to Osgiliath, but passing through Pelennor Fields? Then he must have come from Minas Tirith?

Author Reply: Thank you so much!
I actually asked a friend-engineer if a dome can be made of steel and glass, and he said yes :)
As for Pelennor fields, I am sorry if my description is not clear :( I imagine Gandalf coming from the north, and he is observing Pelennor fields from afar (on his right), and riding south towards Osgiliath (paralel to Anduin, sort of).

AldwenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/14/2024
Thank you for this lovely story! An object of former evil turned into an object of beauty! A sweet revenge indeed! :-DDD

Author Reply: Aww, thank you! 💜

Lady ForlongReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/12/2024

...just barely.

This time, knowing it was you, I was expecting a twist ending, and I figured it out just before Aragorn told Gandalf where the steel came from. Granted -- only just before, when you mentioned steel in the dome and I remembered the synopsis about whatever happened to Grond. How fitting. Loved it!

No, Gandalf, you do NOT want to bring Sauron back, even for a moment, just to see the look on his face (if he even had one). You might not be able to get rid of him again LOL

Author Reply: Haha, have I become infamous for plot-twists? 😂

But no, not all of my stories have had or will have the twist 😀

Thank you so much for reading and for this lovely comment! 💜

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