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The Tenth Walker  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 114 on 9/22/2024
As if my Sam had any! Failings, that is.

Awwww. There's so much love there.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, Sam has Bill's entire heart. Well – almost, anyhow. Bill has a big heart, after all, with plenty of room enough to cherish all his present and future companions and former People. (With one exception, of course)

Thanks so much for reading and stopping to leave a good word. The rest of the story is slowly taking shape from the outline to draft chapters to final form (the writing process aside, I'm always hoping I'll be able to post regularly again); thus, Bill, in the latest chapter underway, has just fled the fearful "snakes" and faces a long (in miles at least if not chapters), uncertain journey to find "home" again and, hopefully, safety.

We've been "puppy"-sitting all summer, as you know, and the pups demand scads of attention and leave me quite worn out. But their Person will be coming to claim them soon (to his joy, and theirs), which will give me more free time again. Here's hoping. Hobbits keep popping up out of nowhere and demanding my attention, and I'd love to write down their stories or, at the very least, finish the WIPs lingering (or do I mean languishing?) on my list.

I hope you will see this note, and that it will find you and yours well.

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