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Clearing the Heir, Part 2  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/25/2024
I'm enjoying this story greatly. It's fascinating to follow Bilbo's slow but sure path to bringing young Frodo to live with him.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. I always meant to continue it, but somehow the years slipped by. I wanted to write a Yuletide story but didn't have time to sit down and brainstorm one, so I dusted off the continuation of this one and started typing in the chapters.

Unfortunately, while I thought I could get the entire story published by Christmas Day, I've been interrupted many times over the last week, which limited my computer time, and now I'm about to lose internet access for a couple weeks. But there aren't many chapters to this one, so I plan to knock out the rest of it just as soon as I have internet again. I apologize for the delay.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, and thank you for your friendship and encouragement. (((hugs)))

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