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Kaylee's Special Yule Holiday in Rivendell  by KathyG 2 Review(s)
demeter dReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/9/2025
Utterly warm and delightful! Thanks to you, Dear Ladies, we have just spent Yule in Imladris! Greening the halls, a lovely dinner, (probably goose?) and not least, an evening in the Hall of Fire! Having read our good friend Fiondil's tale about a Wiseman Christmas, I know exactly how that little tree came to be there. One wonders, doesn't one, Precious, if memories of this night ever come drifting back to Glorfindel as he charms some young Alaskan tree out of the ground to spend some time in Edelhond. I am very much enjoying how you two are twining this story into Dreamflower's canon of work. Thank you!
And while I am here; it is too late for a Christmas blessing. But let me join with all of our friends here in a prayer for a bright and blessed New Year for our too often dark and dreary world. Cheers, Everyone!

Author Reply: Amen to that! I'm glad that you've enjoyed our little Yule story, and so is Dreamflower, I know. KG

Author Reply: Amen to that! I'm glad that you've enjoyed our little Yule story, and so is Dreamflower, I know. KG

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/9/2025
Soon, the sweets were coming in!

What an absolutely delightful and happy story. I loved every bit of it.

Oh my, Tip and Tulip -- I remember them, Dreamflower! Love to you and Kathy, and may this year bring good things to you both.

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