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Destiny's Child  by Mirkwoodmaiden 2 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/21/2025
I had forgot that only peasants were shieldmaidens. Re-reading this first chapter is a good reminder.

I love Éomer's and Théoden's protective attitude. Nobody had to die that day! (snork) But how my heart lurched when Éomer promised he'd always be there to protect his little sister.

I have always been somewhat dyslexic when it comes to needlecrafts. Oh, I've done my share of sewing and embroidery and cross-stitch and knitting and crochet. But it never came easy. And in my younger years, I was such a tomboy. Sneaking horseback rides, climbing trees, digging forts, building snow forts and engaging in snowball fights, etc. I can definitely empathise with young Éowyn.

I cannot remember if the secrecy means that Éomer won't know about the training either? At least for a while?

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Yeah!! And from what I read about Tolkien's thoughts shieldmaidens, some conflicting but some of what I read said that only peasants could be shieldmaidens and I choose that as a good starting point and shape to my story!

I did love Theoden's reaction, "Nobody had to die that day because he would hate to hurt one of his own people!" LOL! Theoden is a tad overprotective) :-)

Yes it is secretive, in chapter 2 Theoden speaks to both Theodred and Eomer about training Eowyn.

Thanks for the re-read!



Author Reply: And yeah! I was a tomboy as well. Climbing trees playing in mud etc. I can relate to Eowyn!!

SIDE NOTE: the tropical storm due to hit the UK has been named Storm Eowyn!!




PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2025
Darn needlework …. :-P

It’s so hard for her right now - her parents and her home are gone, she’s the new girl in town, and she is different. That’s a perfect storm right there. It’s good that she has such an understanding family that loves her and will help her through these growing pains.

Thx for writing!

Author Reply: PSW!

thanks for writing! Exactly, it is often so hard on the new girl especially with girls like Saelith. We've all known them. I think Eowyn had to have a strong family life to grow as she did. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.



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