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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 2 Review(s)
ItarilleReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2025
Ah, so here we meet one of those Chieftains--valiant, courteous, holding fast to the hope of one day restoring their noble line. Somehow I feel bittersweet imagining Arassuil. No less noble than Aragorn, I daresay, yet not granted the grace of witnessing the fulfilment of his and his ancestors' labour.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, your description of a Chieftain of the Dúnedain sounds spot-on. I admit to being heavily influenced by Viggo Mortensen's portrayal in the films, a certain grace in his movements at various points, sometimes seeming deliberate but often appearing to be second nature, unforced, something like that.

I've often wondered about the descendants of Isildur, always carrying within them the seed of hope, but never knowing (or did they know somehow?) whether they would be able to break the curse and fulfill the prophecy. Of course, Aragorn was motivated! If he failed, he was going to be the last of his line since he had to succeed to marry Arwen, and if he succeeded, well then, the noble line would be restored. (And now, dimly, I'm making a connection with the "line of Christ" from a long-ago discussion... all those names in the genealogy who knew of the Promise and looked forward to the Incarnation. Something like that. I'm probably putting it badly. I'm much too distracted to sustain deep thought at the moment, as Youngest Cat seems to be seriously ill and the earliest vet appointment we can get might be Wednesday if I can get through on the phone first thing in the morning to snag one of a limited number of urgent appointments.)

PSWReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/24/2025
Well, Wanderer. I guess we aren’t going to find out your name after all - at least not right now. I was going to say he’s brave to head out without his horse - but I forgot people do a lot of walking in the wilds in Middle Earth … A horse is quite a big task to hand a Hobbit! But I’m sure he will manage.

Author Reply: I'm not yet sure if Wanderer reveals himself to Bandobras. It's possible; after all, Bilbo knew Strider's true identity. (Presumably after long acquaintance? Did he meet young Estel in his first visit to Imladris or only become acquainted after he retired to the Last Homely House?). I seem to recall that Aragorn's identity was hidden to shield him from the Enemy's notice and malice, and it seems reasonable that all of Isildur's heirs would have taken similar precautions. I'm a little foggy on this point; it's been some years since I researched the matter, and I don't remember anymore what ideas come from JRRT and which ones are drawn from fanon.

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