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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/1/2025
Aww, what a good horse. A good friend, if you will. ;-) Glad they got out okay, hope the Hobbits treat Friend like a king while Bandobras is in recovery!

I found your timeline of stories - I know I’ve read some of them before, but there’s something about having a timeline … Going to go back and check them out (again, perhaps)!

Author Reply: *grin* You've made my day. It's always heartening to hear I'm not just talking to myself when I'm writing, LOL!

I'm sure Friend will get all the feed and hay and water and grazing his heart desires, considering that he's being hosted by hobbits! He'd probably grow fat and maybe out of shape if he were to remain with Shire-folk for any length of time since horses seem to eat constantly and prefer lounging to working (at least in my experience). It's probably just as well that his rider can be anticipated to return to claim him at some point.

Thanks for reading and pausing to share your thoughts!

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