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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/3/2025
I’m glad they finally let Rorric know Bandobras wanted to talk - some things are more important than head injuries! Hope they can find poor Artie, and head off any more troubles before they happen! (Somehow I’m doubting that last part…)

Author Reply: I'm sorry about the missing scout. RL is so distressing that I'm considering adding some new drabbles to one of the chapters with the story of a miraculous escape for Master Hart's-tongue (whose fate otherwise was not described in the story). As to heading off troubles... well, when you have Tooks in the mix, troubles are likely to follow. But luckily, Tooks have a knack for meeting trouble head-on, as it were.

I'll be able to keep posting chapters of this story since hobbits have a habit of "talking lightly of heavy matters" and JRRT himself described Bandobras's accomplishments rather comically. (Inventing the game of golf. Who'd'a thunk it?)

(((hugs))) I appreciate your reading and stopping to share your thoughts even more today, which has been a difficult one. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

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