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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/7/2025
Ha! Loved the last line. And glad he has found his family! Hope they can get up the help they need!

I’ve been enjoying your Shire Beginnings story too! I love the family names - how they all start w something different but end w the same (thorn or leaf). I’m reading so many things right now none of it is going quickly, but I’m looking forward to getting into more of it!

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you're enjoying both this story and Beginnings! That one was so much fun to put together, like figuring out how Gandalf might have got his name (I researched and couldn't find anything at the time I was writing, though since then, information may have surfaced) and imagining the details surrounding the misty history of the Fallohides crossing the mountains to their new home.

As to the names of these (proto-?)hobbits, it seemed natural for the forest-dwelling Fallohides as I imagined them to have nature-oriented names. I had three stories outlined, originally. The second part is about the Fallohides, Harfoots and Stoors joining forces and migrating to Bree-land. The third part follows Marcho and Blanco and their founding the Shire. But RL got too demanding, so the only part that got finished was Beginnings. Another small detail I can tell you about the name-scheme I worked out is that each of the three groups of hobbits had their own "Thorn" as their leader. The story "Thain" (which will hopefully be posted in full after I finish posting one of the current WIPs) shows how the functions of the three Thorns were merged into one Thain (making "Thain" a plural of "Thorn", or something like that). That story is written out on paper; I just need to type the chapters in.

LOL, I get that about how your reading's going... I'm making up for lost time in my reading and writing these days. What fun!

Thanks for pausing to share your thoughts!

p.s. I'm loving your story about Estel, though I'm trying to limit myself to one chapter per day for all the stories I'm reading to stretch out the enjoyment.

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