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Days of the Dunedain  by Arnakhor 2 Review(s)
LeithianReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/26/2025
Thanks a lot for re-posting this story. I remember that I found the subject really interesting when I first read this and now this is a good opportunity for a reread.
I do hope you find the time to re-post the story Dol Guldor. It was on my reading list for a long time but what with exams and everything I never got around to actually read it.
Really excited to know that you have plans for a new Dunedain story. I really look forward to it.
Take care

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/25/2025
I am greatly looking forward to being able to resume reading this story, and I'm grateful to you for taking the time to re-upload the chapters. I remember reading and reviewing the first few chapters, though I don't remember how far into the story I got.

I do hope you'll find time to restore the Dol Guldur story. If I ever knew that this story is a sequel to that one, I didn't retain that knowledge. But now that I do know, of course I want to read the earlier story that leads into this one! I became fascinated with the early Chieftains of the Dúnedain while researching for a story about the fall of the North-lands, the defeat of the Witch-king, Glorfindel's prophecy, and the role that hobbits played amid the greater events happening around them. The Northern Rangers' faithful service and exploits may not have received much attention in the historical records, but that doesn't make them any less noble or stalwart – or noteworthy.

Author Reply: It will take me a while to restore Dol Guldur, but thanks for your encouragement. That's a genuine motivator That restoration is competing for time with another story I'm currently writing that has a modest role for a Dunedain in a much larger event.

Days of the Dunedain is a sequel in the sense that it adds Dunedain continuity with Dol Guldur, which ends with a young Aranuir mentioned in the last chapter. Days of the Dunedain starts with a very old Aranuir.

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