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Days of the Dunedain  by Arnakhor 2 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/14/2025
Hmm … either we will have Hobbits involved, then, or he’ll get distracted w something else before he gets there. We shall see!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/7/2025
Wonderful descriptions. I can almost hear the low buzz of multiple conversations filling the common room. It's interesting to peek inside Gandalf's head. The lands are at peace at the moment? This is a nice moment of respite, then. When I was younger, I was curious like Gandalf and loved to wander and see new places. Nowadays, I seem to becoming more and more like Radagast. I can see value in both viewpoints.

Will we have the privilege of seeing Gandalf's visit with hobbits?

So this is before the Oldbucks moved across the Brandywine and founded Buckland, and handed over the office of Thain to the Tooks? (I could go and look it up in the Tale of Years, but I'm feeling lazy at the moment. Or, more precisely, tired. I need to stop reading soon and look forward to reading more tomorrow.)

Author Reply: Yes there will be a hobbit visit among other things. This is indeed before the Oldbucks moved across the Brandywine to found Buckland. But more on that to come. Thanks so much for your comments and interest in this story!

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