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Days of the Dunedain  by Arnakhor 2 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/11/2025
Odofur is so hobbity! Foodstuffs as a means of telling time... I also loved the detail of his being aware of just how many red ribbons he'd already deployed. Much better than breadcrumbs, too! (a lá Hansel and Gretel).

Uh-oh. Sounds like he's in the Old Forest, with its queerness that increases as one gets closer to Old Man Willow. Not to mention, the trees can move around, which could disrupt the safety measure the ribbons are supposed to provide. And yikes! The chapter ends with a definite sense of peril to our intrepid explorer.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/15/2025
Oh yikes! That sure didn’t go as planned! I would be wanting to get out of there too. I probably wouldn’t be there in the first place…

Are stones unconscious? I guess in a way they are … 🤔

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