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Dol Guldur  by Arnakhor 4 Review(s)
SageReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/10/2025
I'm pleased to see that you have been able to restore Dol Guldor and that you have yet a third story in the works. I always look forward to your writing.

PSWReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/31/2025
I did not know about these before the Breach, but I am excited to see them and look forward to reading them soon! I love the Dunedain, and am always happy to hear tales of them… :-)

LeithianReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/27/2025
Oh dear thank you so so much for starting to re-upload this story. The introduction is really helpful as a review for all the events that have happened so far. As someone who can never keep the dates straight I really appreciate it.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/26/2025
Hurrah! *throwing confetti*

*sweeping up confetti before the cats eat it*

I'm so glad you are reposting this story, and I'm keenly anticipating your new story about the Dúnedain! While I've dabbled my feet in stories about Aragorn and his kin (for example, I remember enjoying Larner's tale about young Aragorn training with other Northern youth), somehow writing a story featuring a notable Dúnedan's horse (of all things!) has ignited my desire to dive into as many stories about the Rangers of the North as I'm able to find.

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