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Dol Guldur  by Arnakhor 2 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/31/2025
Your descriptions are beautiful - I could see it all clearly, the land and the buildings and the desperate times. A part of the atmosphere of LOTR that has always struck me is the feeling of a world having fallen from a great height, and you capture it so very well.

“Her words were the blade of a sword she had always wielded with a master’s skill…” Very nice.

Thx for writing!

Author Reply: Thanks for reading and your kind comments!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/30/2025
Ah. I am in the middle of editing my story of the fall of the North-kingdom, the battle with the Witch-king, and Glorfindel's prophecy. So I'm going to put this one back on the shelf and read it a bit later. I'll enjoy the sequel instead, I'm sure, and all the better for knowing this one is waiting to be read when I finish editing the climax and ending of my Thain story.

Author Reply: I get it. All this reposting has stalled the current Dunedain story I'm writing, one thing getting in the way of another. But hopefully done reposting this week and back to the new work in progress. Look forward to your new story you're editing.

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