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All Work and No Play  by Lindelea 1 Review(s)
MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2025

I am so looking forward to reading the rest of this story! I don't I read it when it was first posted! Although I do remember reading "A Healer's Tale" and "At the end of his rope" though it has been a long time since! I sense re-reading is due!!

Must dash to work!!



Author Reply: I'm so glad! Only four chapters were posted at the time the hacker struck and deleted the story, but this work will actually run quite a bit longer than four chapters, considering the length of the journey! (Not as many chapters as JRRT took, of course... and speaking of re-reading, January is almost finished and I have not yet started my annual re-reading of LOTR! I think I know what audiobook I'll be choosing for bedtime reading from here on out.)

I hope you enjoy it! (I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment dealing with stubborn Tooks, but hopefully it will all work out satisfactorily.)

I'm happy to have you along on the journey! Seeing one of your reviews (or, for that matter, another chapter of one of your stories) always brightens my day.

(((hugs))) Stay well.

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