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A Light in Midwinter  by Mirkwoodmaiden 3 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/31/2025
She was his and was bearing his child.

Hooray! And hooray for hobbits!

Author Reply: Yeah!

I love writing about happy Faramir and Eowyn!!


Thanks for writing!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2025
I literally jumped in my seat for joy at reading the title of this chapter! *grin*

Pippin is still quite young here! He sounds like a mischievous tween, very appropriate. And the "light meal" – leaving me laughing again.

Oh that grumpy cook turned suddenly sunny. She loves her lord, and hobbits aren't too shabby, either.

“Is it working?” Faramir teased. Wonderful banter, as before.

(Did Rosie really say "foal"? Or was that Pippin's translation to suit the recipient of the message?)

Faramir is truly wise in picking his battles. And what a good toast: Come let us drink to remember, to forget and to enjoy each others’ company.

And more banter, and a little privacy to cap off the scene. Lovely!

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Yeah! This story was just so much fun to write. Writing the hobbits is fun, although I don't have your talent at writing them. You excel at that my friend. And yes it was Pippin using the word "Foal" as Eowyn says, not exactly how Rosie would have put it!! LOL! Pippin is still young and irrepressible!!

You joyed in this chapter; you will love the next. Where a certain favorite character of yours makes an appearance. And throughout the rest of the I do believe!



PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2025
Ah, to have the Hobbits on hand for the happy day! That will liven things up even more than they already are… :-D But I’m sure it’s so good to see their friends and know they’ve come all this way to celebrate with them!

Fun story - thx for writing!

Author Reply: PSW!

And more fun awaits! For some reason a lot of drinking gets done in this story!! The chapters just kinda wrote themselves!!

Thanks for writing!



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