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Capturing a Star  by shirebound 3 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/1/2025
Reading, I remember clearly the joy to be found in savoring a "Shirebound" story.

Your descriptions immerse me in the story. The touches of humor (Dwarf feet!) add depth and life. The characterizations are spot-on: Gimli almost carelessly holding the heavy hammer, Elessar's kindness and consideration and his way of honoring his hobbit friends, Pilin's eagerness. And the dialogue is perfectly in character, to my mind.

...I can well imagine "a hobbit thinking about things like that".

(LOL, my own Frodo-lad married a lass named "Burrows", though she was a Daisy rather than a Hollyhock. Do you remember that time when we simultaneously published stories featuring Frodo and a small dog? LOL, and not too long after I had that thought and added it to this review, I read further in this chapter and came upon your mention of "Scamp"! Yes, Scamp it was!)

Although this is in your AU setting, somehow I find comfort that not all Elvish magic will be gone from the world so long as the phial of Galadriel remains. I guess the same could be said about the AU I wrote where Frodo stayed in the Shire, though I never thought about it before.

(((hugs))) to you, my friend.

Author Reply: And (((hugs))) to you, my friend! What a wonderful Journey we've been on, imagining and sharing these Tales. Thank you for your lovely comments.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/1/2025
Don’t remember if I’ve read this one, but I can’t wait to see what Gimli has in mind!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/1/2025
Have put this one at the top of this evening's reading list... more later, I hope.

Author Reply: Thank you for reading!

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