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Capturing a Star  by shirebound 2 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2025
I love that quote that introduces this chapter.

The reunion with Merry and Pippin was funny and touching and poignant. I especially loved Pippin's aside to Merry about feeding the Rangers!

And then the welcoming scene at Bag End was all that I could wish for, and more. There's so much of "comfort" in this story. Very soothing in stressful times, too. (Youngest Cat has fallen ill rather suddenly, and I'm very worried about the little scamp.)

And something of a cliffhanger at the end, but a happy one, it seems. I will look forward to reading more, hopefully tomorrow.


Author Reply: Hugs right back at you, my friend, and I'm sending gentle loves and scritches your sweet kittie.

It's such a joy to write (and read) comfort and hobbity banter. :)

PSWReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/1/2025
Yay! So fun to have a visit from old friends!!

Author Reply: I had such a wonderful time imagining these scenes!

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