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A Light in Midwinter  by Mirkwoodmaiden 3 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/1/2025
How old is Eirik? He's quite the charmer!

It was wonderful to see Beregond! He seems to have maintained his sense of humour, something I fell in love with from the first time I laid my eyes on him (in a manner of speaking) as a young teen, when I read about him saying to young Pippin, "An old campaigner, I see." He was so quick to laughter, and bright and curious and welcoming, and his love and devotion to his Captain was inspiring. JRRT had such a way with characters, that they should catch our attention and imagination in such a strong way.

The king's little hide-and-seek manoeuvre was amusing. However, poor Faramir and his longing for a child combined with his fear that he doesn't know how to be a loving father. I do hope a wiser head can give him some guidance and peace about the matter.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Eirik is probably around 17 by this time. He has been Faramir's squire for about 5-6 years even before the Ring War. He first met Eowyn when he was 13 and has had a crush on her just as long. He is often completely devoted to Faramir.

I thought that you would be happy at Beregond's appearance! And yes Tolkien definitely has a way of drawing characters!

Yes! As Arwen says the King of the Reunited kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor still has to behave as a child! LOL!

Faramir will work through his fear in later chapters helped by those he loves!

I will re-post more chapters! this was one deleted by the Breach of January 2025.



shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/31/2025
Men, they were about as subtle as wargs on the hunt especially when they thought they were being subtle.

What a delightful tale. :)

Author Reply: Shirebound!

So happy to hear from you! Yup! This tale is among my favourites. It really just wrote itself!! Thanks for writing!



PSWReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/30/2025
It’s shaping up to be quite the Solstice, with lots of guests and fun and good cheer. Looking forward to it!

Author Reply: PSW!

Yup! It is a favourite of mine! Enjoy!



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