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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 2 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/16/2025
Bandobras and Ferumbras have such a wonderful, loving relationship.

Author Reply: I love the close relationships between hobbits as JRRT drew them. Thus, it made sense to me that Bandobras had a warm, lively, loving family, and that made leaving very difficult for him. But the mining accident left him with such claustrophobia, he could no longer live and work underground. I think his parents let him go because they thought it might be the only way to save him. And then, after he'd lived under the open sky in the Northlands for five years, they might dare to hope he'd been healed...

A lot of that is backstory that appears in the outline and unfinished draft of this story in its long form, but it's hard to include those kinds of details in the short-form version made up of drabbles.

Thanks for your comments!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/15/2025
Aw … he’s helping them because that’s what brothers do!

Poor Bandobras and Friend are both a little beat up, but I have faith in them - they won’t let anyone keep them down…

Author Reply: They are truly heroes, though only Friend might be inclined to admit to such a thing. Bandobras would simply brush it off, as hobbits tend to do.

Thanks for keeping the faith! The race will be coming up before you know it.

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