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A Light in Midwinter  by Mirkwoodmaiden 5 Review(s)
Lady ForlongReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/7/2025
"Always bewitching children! I can't take you anywhere!" I love the way Legolas and Gimli "get along." ;)

Author Reply: Lady Forlong!

I could just hear Orlando Bloom's Legolas and John Rhys-Davies' Gimli in my head when I was writing them in this chapter!!

Thanks for writing! :-)


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/2/2025
Aragorn playing an "educational" game with his son is adorable.

Mmmmm... wine-flavored kisses...

Legolas and Gimli are perfect! I can't take you anywhere!

Ah, Elessar the healer-king. Lovely. And healing for Faramir as well. Very satisfying. And a new brother in Éomer, not to replace Boromir, but to face life side-by-side with Faramir as he goes forward.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Yeah!!! So glad you are enjoying it! I think Faramir and Eomer would form a brotherly bond. Not like Boromir but I like your description, "but to face life side-by-side with Faramir as he goes forward." I think that is well-stated!

I tried to make sure that the banter between Legolas and Gimli remains affectionately gruff! LOL!


PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/2/2025
I’m sure Eowyn and the baby will be fine, what with all the excellent help. It’s nice that this is happening when everyone else is present to share in waiting… Thx for writing!

Author Reply: PSW!

It was kind of in with everybody wanted to be present for the birth and the Solstice was coming...time for a family gathering! :-))

Glad you are enjoying! Thanks again for writing!



LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/2/2025
How many chapters is this going to be? It's marked "complete", and so I thought I'd read it all, but a new chapter's been added.

My eyes aren't quite focusing yet, so I'm only glancing over the stories to look for new chapters posted, to mentally mark them for later reading. I should really look into getting a screen reader for my laptop. Macbooks may even have a built-in screen-reader function, so it seems I have some homework to do to figure this out. Which I'll have to do when I can get my eyes to focus, LOL! (Happily, I can do some writing on my WIPs anyhow; thank goodness for those long-ago touch-typing lessons! I don't need to see the screen to write, just to edit what I've written at an earlier time.)

I forgot to tell you, when we visited the UK over New Year's, I could eat EVERYTHING! Butter, cream, clotted cream, milk, even CHEESE! And baked goods. And legumes (e.g. baked beans as part of a full Irish or English breakfast). And spicy foods. Everything except for fresh tomatoes there. British and Irish foods are not poison to me in the same way many US-produced foods are. And because I wasn't in constant pain, I was able to walk 2-3 miles a day! Lovely countryside and old buildings added spice to the walking, too. Not like walking on the treadmill... (Are we done yet? Yes, talking to me, myself, and I.) It seems there must be something seriously wrong with the US food supply. Here, I have to be careful even when I try to stick to "organic" stuff. Seriously, eating regular food in the UK was cheaper than eating organic food in the US.

Spouse is arguing that we should move to the UK permanently just so I can eat like a normal person. (!) It's tempting... but the cats are a complication. Putting them in quarantine for 6 months sounds miserable for them. Along with the idea of moving so far from our kids.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Sorry about the mis-marked story. There will be two more chapters after this one!

Having lived in both countries I have to say the quality of life is better in the UK. Glad you had a wonderful time. What part did you say you were in? Unencumbered I would move if I were you or even if I were me! LOL!! :P
But kids and cats are major considerations. I think the kids would probably understand about the able-to-eat issues. Not so sure about the cats!



shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/2/2025
Faramir went from having no brothers to all of these wonderful ones, tall and small. What a joy.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Exactly! He is slowly realizing that he is not alone! A wonderful realization!

Thanks for re-reading!



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