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A Light in Midwinter  by Mirkwoodmaiden 3 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/6/2025
Labor knew no hierarchy other than its own. This made me chuckle.

Ah, Éomer, the Voice of Experience. Both as a father, and having lived through a life-long relationship with Éowyn.

Leave it to a hobbit, especially a Pippin-hobbit, to suggest a pub game for distraction. The hobbity banter in the chapter rings true, too, as well as the banter between the Elf and the Dwarf.

Beregond! Laughing! And recalling that night! I am delighted. (Do I sense a conspiracy at work here?)

“These are not normal times!” were the words of wisdom he imparted in a pub his first night here in Ithilien. Wait. Is this in one of your stories? If not, it should be.

The game and aftermath are quite funny. It sounds as if either Faramir exercised caution or his minders were mindful not to get him drunk.

It's a boy! (LOL, when I wrote Faramir Took and Goldilocks having their first, I couldn't decide whether to make it a boy or a girl, so I made it both! And that's how they ended up having twins.)

Lovely. I am very much finding comfort in the fluff. (The next chapter is numbered "8"; is a chapter missing?)

Author Reply: Lindelea!!

LOL! Yup! Women in labor have not a care for niceties!!

Eomer knows he must get Faramir through the night as a good brother he aims to do just that. And of course the irrepressible Took would think of a pub game as the perfect vehicle for said distraction! In writing the chapter I could just hear Billy Boyd's Pippin in my head and I just wrote what I heard. ;-) Same with Merry, Gimli, Legolas et al. LOL!

The memory of the previous game is a reference to my story "Changes and Acceptances" set at Bag End. I think you would really enjoy it! Everyone is together for Elanor's second birthday. Even Beregond! (not that I am trying to add to your reading list in any way, shape or form...she types innocently) the last few chapters get a bit serious but the first 8 chapters are have a lot of fluffy goodness and Hobbit mischief. And all ends well.

Confession time. "Hops in a Barrel" is a drinking game I used to play in my misspent adulthood at University! It was called Sink the Ship but as the Shire is landlocked "Hops in a Barrel" seemed a more apt name. The aftermath is from the late hours after much drinking on many an occasion! LOL. Ah youth!!

Chapter 8 is actually chapter 7. I just misnumbered when uploading!

Must dash to work!

Big (((hugs)))


PSWReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/6/2025
Leave it to a Hobbit to provide distraction with a drinking game! :-D But glad they were able to do so…

So happy for Faramir and Eowyn! <3

Author Reply: PSW!

LOL! Well what else would the work-shy and fun loving Pippin suggest!! Faramir needs distraction and Eomer was there to deliver it and Pippin the irrepressible of would suggest a drinking game!!

Thanks for writing!



shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/4/2025
Éowyn sat in their bed, sweaty and clearly exhausted, but she had a radiant smile on her face. She had never looked more beautiful to him.

What a loving and joyous event! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Thank you for always reading! I love write stories about Faramir and Eowyn being happy!! It does my heart good!

Big (((hugs)))


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