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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/17/2025
Ferumbras is a jewel among hobbits.

Author Reply: I find myself liking him more and more as the story goes on. I keep thinking I catch glimpses of future Thains (and Tooks) in his choices and actions.

I'm glad you like him, too.


LeithianReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/17/2025
Wow! The lead up to the race, the wagers and finally the race. So exciting... For Friend, though the race against ponies must have been a leisurely canter. Looking forward to seeing his feats in the battles.
I like the way you have fleshed out Ferumbras. He seems to be nearly as adventurous as his brother. A proper Took.
And what's the thing about the Tooks' mines? I'm sensing a backstory here. I never knew that there were salt mines around the Shire.

Author Reply: Whew, we finally got to the race! That's a relief. Now onward towards the historic battle...

I haven't written much about salt mines in the Shire, though I mentioned them in an early story, where I had ponies rescued from the salt mines maintained by ruffian Men under Lotho. In my stories, the Great Smials started as a gold mine, and then when the gold played out, the hobbits turned it into a large, extensive residence that could house hundreds. (That last part is from Tolkien, talking about the Great Smials and Brandy Hall, while the gold mine was my own inspiration.)

Thank you for reading and stopping to share your thoughts!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/16/2025
The moment we’ve been waiting for! And my faith in Friend and Bandobras was rewarded! Now Les go get rid of some baddies!

Aw … what a good brother …

Author Reply: Woohoo! The story just keeps picking up speed from here, it feels like.


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