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A Horse for Bandobras  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/17/2025
the scout stared at rank upon rank of archers, many bearing other weapons as well, one body mounted and another a-foot.

You describe that so beautifully it's easy to visualize it.

Author Reply: This was one of the fun parts to imagine and write down. I loved that Dobby slept through it all. (I've known people who could probably sleep through the end of the world...)


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/17/2025

You describe that so beautifully it's easy to visualize it.

Author Reply: (Oh, I thought you were talking about the gathering of the supplies, but then I saw the second review you left. Thank you for making the extra effort.)

PSWReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/17/2025
When the Hobbits decide to do something, they do it right! Let’s go get rid of those ruffians once and for all!

Author Reply: What's worth doing is worth doing thoroughly! (A Shire proverb that I made up a couple weeks ago, lol)


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