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Quarantined  by shirebound 3 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/12/2015
Aragorn might be reserved about forming friends, but this is a cute little hobbit kid -- pardon me, tweenager. I suspect that takes care of more than half the battle right there. :-P

You know ... I knew that Bilbo adopted Frodo and brought him to live at Bag End, but for some reason it never really occurred to be about Frodo growing up there. (Maybe because Frodo's grown when FotR starts.) It's true, though--he wasn't even actually an adult until the birthday when Bilbo left. Very interesting ... a definite point to ponder.

Enjoying, thanks for writing!

julchen11Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/22/2006
This chapter is so sweet and heartbreaking. And so true.

“Mortal life, he mused. It was so fragile; the smallest thing, the least mistake, and a precious life gone”

You are again PAINTING with words, it feels like sitting in a corner and watching them, I can even HEAR them.
And I can feel your heartblood running through those lines, little one.
I’m glad I’ve found you, better late than never. You can be sure, I’ll read ALL of your works.
*happy sigh*

Author Reply: Thank you. And I worried so much about this chapter, because it seemed too... simple. But it ended up saying just what it meant to.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/25/2006
Indeed, the most remarkable Baggins of them all, I think.

How wonderful an image, Gandalf comforting Frodo like that.

Author Reply: Thank you. I remember when writing this chapter, thinking it was too simplistic a subject... a wizard comforting a sick tween, and thinking about hobbits. But I grew to love this chapter very much.

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