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Taken by Iorhael | 5 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/30/2007 |
A desperately nasty one, Sauron. Pure spirit, this Frodo? Then how is it he feels hunger and his stomach growls and he breathes out in a huff of air? It seems if he could somehow manage to destroy the palantir or to hide it from Sauron he could halt a good deal of what's going on. That last image is pretty gross, I'll admit. | |
Periantari | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/27/2004 |
very intense... it's...scaring me! hehe please let Frodo be ok!! hehe ::still reading:: very original and intersting idea though =) hehe (awww poor Frodo :*( Author Reply: I have to confess that I got the idea from something I read way back when I was still in junior high school. It was in the newspaper here in Indonesia and it said that someone's soul was taken from the body to the shadow world up there in the mountain. I was suddenly reminded of that when LOTR movies came out with Sauron as the evil character and Frodo who was just very ideal to be the victim. Goodness! | |
Breon Briarwood | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/17/2004 |
Oh, WOW! Can't talk, must keep reading....... Author Reply: Please, please... Thanks! :) | |
Grey Wonderer | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/20/2003 |
So, far I love it. Have no idea how you will resolve it as both Frodos seem unable to give any information to anyone without putting themselves in terrible danger. I hope you have a master plan because this seems like it might be a no-win situation to me. Can't wait for more. Author Reply: I do have a plan but I'm not sure how to put it in paper. I hope I won't need too much work for it. This does seem hopeless. BTW, I have around 10 chaps already. | |
strider's girl | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/19/2003 |
This is a very unique story. I am liking this alor with the changes in characters. I've never read a story like this before. Keep up the excellent work! Author Reply: Excellent? *blush* I'm so glad to hear from someone new. Thank you very much for your comments! | |