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The Jewels of his Existence  by Orophins Dottir 4 Review(s)
NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/25/2003
I like your look at Thranduil - he would be a mighty force to stand against. How interesting to think that Saruman could be behind this. I do trust the leaders here - Aragorn, Faramir, the Lorien elves - to sort this out and keep Saruman from forcing a wedge between elves and men.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/25/2003
My Lady Scribe,
How my heart doth fear for our fair Rumil as he travels the path of men. Some comfort do I find in the knowledge that Strider, Faramir and Gimli are there to receive him. For they will stand at the side of our warden should evil come to try him. Such fear doth I sense in poor Gimli and my eyes fill with tears as he bears the sorrowful news brought to him by this Elven messenger. Though Gimli is a strange creature to the Elves, he is a true and just friend to Legolas.
The king rides ever nearer to the city of men and with him the uncertainity of his warth. Our friends will be well served to find a path and solution to this foul malady that has befallen the king's son. For Thranduil will brook no injury to his child and his retribution will be swift and final.
Such foul news hath been discoveredd in the cave and within the walls of the travern. The worst of fears have been confirmed and evil doth yet walk in the shadows of Arda. Our friends must be swift in giving report to the king and to dealing with this wandering remains of what was once great in the cause of the Valar, but has now fallen into a darkness so still and cold that not even a ray of goodness lives in his heart.
My Lady, I cannot assuage this fear that doth grip my very being, but I shall entrust this crisis to the warriors of experience. I will stand watch over my dear Legolas and offer my assistance in calming the distraught adar should he arrive before Aragorn and his party. It is my most heartfelt prayer that he will heed any words you have to offer him for much store doth he put in your wisdom.
Until we meet again, my Lady.
The Karenator

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/24/2003
Oh, excellent. This meeting was fun to read about. I liked Rumil's thoughts about how unpleasant buildings were compared to trees, especially when the buildings were full of men. And I liked the descriptions of fierce!Thranduil. Rumil's thoughts to himself in general were particularly well done.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/24/2003
Ha! I *knew* it was Saruman! But I still don't know what he's done to Legolas. Thank goodness that Aragorn and Rumil are finally talking and uniting to prevent the war. I hate the thought that Legolas, Ithilien and Imladris would have to fight against Aragorn if it came to that.


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