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Return From the Void  by Miriel 4 Review(s)
WoodswalkerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/31/2004
Yes, Miriel, I am enjoying this story very much, although I am now a bit confused about the tone you are trying to set. For awhile it seemed to be silly humor (Sauron becoming a Nose?). At this point the Baddies are a bit more believable, but they are still acting really dumb. So despite your wish to put something 'dark" in, the story has a sort of "light" tone to me. I am just skeptical that an elemental baddie like Melkor would be this clueless. Oh, well, I'm still enjoying it. BTW did you say you would read our fiction if we reviewed your site? OK, my fiction (original, not LOTR fanfic) is at my site, .

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing! Truly, I'm just rolling with whatever tone the muses give me. I think that while I would like for the story to get darker, it most likely will not. I enjoy humor and comdey very much, so probably most of this story will be light.

Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to read your fic yet! I'll try to see it later. (Although geosites doesn't get along well with my computer.)

Thank you for your review.

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/30/2004
The recent updates made my otherwise below-zero cold and gloomy day a cheery one. The 'OUR PLAN TO TAKING OVER ARDA By Lord Melki and his Lieutenant Salir' clever and hilarious! Really, the whole story has a cozy, funny feeling; and that is my favorite sort of humor. Ah, but it is darkening, literally. When those two ‘villains’ darkened the city, it had both a dramatizing and funny effect at the same time.

Author Reply: "Cozy, funny feeling." Yes, as in things will get bad, but not so bad as to the point where you will begin feeling depressed. Haha, you know, when I said the next chapter would be somewhat "darker" I meant it in the figurative sense, but I think that it's hysterical that I achieved that in the literal sense as well.

Thanks so much for reviewing!

TrinityTheSheDevilReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/29/2004
LOL! I have to say, this is a very interesting fic! A well mixed blend of humor and drama, more than enough to make it worth going to my favorites! :-D *eyes stare at the pony* Poor Saruman. Stuck as a horse. *Snicker* *ahem* I do hope you update soon, I can't wait to read the rest! :-D


Author Reply: Wow, I'm honored that you consider it worthy to go on your favorites. Haha, if you liked Saruman as a pony, you will love chapter 9! Well, you are in luck, I just updated! So, the next chapter is up. I look forward to hearing from you. :D

stearchicaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/16/2004
Im here im here!! Hahaha xD I missed your update on chapter 6 (starting school and having TONS of assignment has something to do with it).

Hahaha turning the city black? I assume that by this it means the walls will be black and stuff? hahahaha hilarious.

I'm torn, i want the Dark Lords to carry on (i've grown very fond of them) but i dont want them to harm Eldarion, he's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. Now i have the boy of the movie stuck in my head (do you also?) every time i read your story.

I absolutely loved the "soldier" scene when he says good bye. I thought it was very touching, very "happy, loving" family-like, which is a great thing.

Now i will bug you with two things: first, Arwen seems to have remained "elvish" (ie, percieving this, and Aragorn calling her so) even though she became mortal? This is interesting, as I have always wondered how you "feel" after you chose to become mortal. Could you maybe, explain to me how you view it? (you dont need to do it in the story, i feel this explanation would be rather out of place for the action).
and the second thing: in this last chapter, Eldarion is really behaving like an older child. like 5 or so. but that's ok, really, and haha im no expert about children, anyway

dont despair about having so few reviews. i wrote a story, and only got 10 reviews :( so i sort of stopped writing. you could also post on, but its so full of silly ppl writing silly things... i dont know where you would post 4th age stuff though

Author Reply: Well, the city black pretty much means that the sky is black, therefore the city is dark as a dark room, rendering its occupants pretty much blind, akin to the darkness that crept over Minas Tirith before the battle of Pellenor fields. Sauron repeating himself.

All right, so to answer your question about Arwen, yes, I have never had reason to think that when she became mortal, she ceased to be elvish. Actually, I think that it is even more painful for her to remain elvish, as she can sadly look at the passing years, so few to elves, yet her time is as short as that of all men; now. I do not think that she would cease to be elvish merely because she would now die an early death. I think she would feel the same, yet sad, as the short years of men, which before she only experienced when people she knew died, were now hers.

No, I believe Eldarion is acting perfectly for his age. Thank you for asking! I am a Sunday school teacher to 3 years olds, and I babysit one at least once a week. They are much more mature than they are given credit for. Now, if Eldarion were 2, that would be a different story. :) Actually, I believe that a child of 5 years would be more articulate, not so afraid, nor manipualte in the same way as a 3 year old. :D

Thank you so much for your helpful comments. I'm trying to get started on chapter 8, expect it in about a week to two weeks.

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