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Boromir in Rivendell  by esamen 8 Review(s)
JanvpalsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/26/2022
So well written! Your grasp of Boromir's character is astounding. Can't wait to read further!

smaugs_mommyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/13/2004
This is good . Writing in first person is always a difficult thing to do ( at least I think so) and writing something from Boromir's point of vie must be even more difficult. Well done!
I hope I find some time to read the other chapters soon.

KichiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/23/2004
This is really good for a first fanfic, and since it is your first I'll ask nicely to make you future fics a little longer, please?

Author Reply: Thanks for the encouragement! Well, this one will get a little longer before it's finished. More chapters are on their way. Stay posted, and I hope you like what's coming! I am so glad that you liked the story enough to ask for more!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2004
Hello! I sheepishly admit I have never been a big Boromir fan, but Grey Wonderer coaxed me into giving your story a whirl--and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. You say this is your first fanfic--I can't tell; your characterizaion inside the mind of Boromir is wonderfully portrayed...and this is only the first chapter! On to the next...


Author Reply: Thanks so much for the encouragement! I am working on my writing in a major way, and the Rivendell told through Boromir's perspective seemed like a wonderful story to tell. We can see all our favorites through a new point of view. I'm a Pippin fan too! Love that sweet heart! thanks again . . . I hope you enjoy the whole thing.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2004
Oh, well done! *applauding*

I find it very difficult to write ine first person. You've done a wonderful job of halping me see Rivendell through Boromir's eyes, and have given me some new food for thought on what he might have been thinking.

Sorry this review is so incoherent, I am very distracted. Hope to have a chance to read more on the weekend.

Author Reply: Nothing incoherent about this! You come through loud and clear! Thanks so much . . . your words mean a lot to me! You have company--I come here when I get incoherent, too. I travel over and live in this world when my "real-life" day gets wrapped a little too tight. I hope you like my little corner of Middle Earth . . . feel free to visit whenever you need a vacation.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2004
Howdy. I loved the first chapter. The thoughts of Boromir were well written and neatly gathered to form a wonderful reading experience. His concentration on his purpose, to get the Ring back to Gondor, was well felt. You can see that he hasn't even given a thought, really, to what needs to be done. It's all me, my, I right now. He came across as a soldier and Steward's son. He has been raised by Denethor and we can therefore forgive his narrow-mindedness :). I know that, had he lived, Boromir would have been one of my favorite characters, so reading this story has started out wonderfully with hope of becoming even more so as it continues. :) But I will cease my prattling here and get on to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Hello! Thanks so much for the comments! this is my first fic and all this is pretty new to me. I was worried at first that no one liked the story . . . because I wasn't getting any reviews . . . but now a few are coming in and I am feeling more confident.

Boromir and Faramir are fascinating to me. Such fabulous Men . . . and the time at Rivendell is such a special time, when everyone can meet and feel each other out a little bit. I just had to tell this story. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. Lots more action to come.

Author Reply: Hello! Thanks so much for the comments! this is my first fic and all this is pretty new to me. I was worried at first that no one liked the story . . . because I wasn't getting any reviews . . . but now a few are coming in and I am feeling more confident.

Boromir and Faramir are fascinating to me. Such fabulous Men . . . and the time at Rivendell is such a special time, when everyone can meet and feel each other out a little bit. I just had to tell this story. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. Lots more action to come.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/19/2004
So far, I like this very much. I am enjoying reading Boromir's thoughts. You have a very good beginning here.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you for responding! this is my first fic and I am a little nervous about whether or not people will like it.

I see Boromir as a man with a good heart, worn down by the constant strain of the war and his painful relationship with his father, further exhausted by his long journey alone, but with so much strength and committment that he is still fixed on winning his goal. The hobbits bring out the best in him . . . which makes his final story so tragic . . . but in this story, we are going to appreciate his goodness as a valiant Man.

Do you have any little ideas crossing your mind right now about what Boromir might do or think about during his stay in Rivendell? I can use all the help I can get in making this a richer, deeper tale. Please send suggestions! Thanks again!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/17/2004
This is a marvelous beginning. Boromir arrives at the Council weary but ready to fight for Gondor in the only way he knows how. Beautifully written! On to chapter 2...

Author Reply: Thanks for your comment! . . . I remember way back when I started taking creative writing classes, I had to take a poetry class before I could take a short story class. I protested to the professor, saying that I wanted to go straight to prose. But he talked with me about how working on poetry, concentrating on how the placement and sound of the words affects the reader, makes a writer more effective with prose. I think that I do get into the beat and sound of the words sometimes. I have to go lightly, though -- too much of that in one story can be overkill. Mostly I save it for special emphasis at certain moments, or for the ending.

With Sam speaking, it just came out. I love these moments so much in LOTR fanfic writing, I guess I just can't help lavishing my very best polish on them.

Now that I have written my own fic, I understand how much reviews mean to writers. Many thanks again for your encouragement, and please hurry, hurry back to your keyboard and post your next story . . . I'm waiting anxiously for more of your awesome angst . . . didn't you once say that you write faster if people send you cookies? Or was it Godiva chocolates? I'm not above a bribe for you. Name your price.

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