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Boromir in Rivendell  by esamen 2 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/1/2004
Oh my. I did miss this chapter. Thank you for telling me about it.

You have captured Rivendell so wonderfully. I have a very long commute to work, long enough that I stay there for the middle of the week (well, not in my office, in an apartment), and today I was listening to The Hobbit on book tape. And I was at the part where the narrator says that if we were all more like the hobbits and cared for food and singing and so on, the world would be a better place. But Frodo is lost and knows it. Holy cow. That sent shivers down my spine.

Author Reply: Oh, goodness! Shivers! this is the ultimate! Thank you!
I think that it is fun to go back and forth between The Hobbit and the Trilogy. One kind of sharpens my enjoyment of the other.
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. And I will be traipsing back over to your Mirkwood forest very soon! Thanks again!

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/1/2004
Writing this as I read, so pardon any cornfuzzling. ;)

I liked seeing that Boromir is actually beginning to feel at ease, completely at ease, in the Last Homely House. I'm sure that even the most hardened heart would begin to melt after a week in Elven company. :)

I'm surprised Pip's outside the door, and not in the food! But then, maybe that's *why* he's there. Frodo didn't want him eating before they were all there. :)

Is Legolas enjoying his conversation with Gimli? ;P

Someone get the ale away from those hobbits! They're keeping in the neighbors awake. ;) I love your hobbit scenes. They're so down-home, fun-loving, light-hearted, curly-headed, furry-footed, round-bellied - in other words . . . hobbity! Wonderful! Delightful! And . . . but I really must stop rambling now. :)

". . .(and more wine for the Elf) . . ." I loved that line! :) Poor Legolas, has to sit around with a bunch of ale-drinking smokers. ;)

Ah, Boromir. I love to see him actually having fun and being human for once. He's always so deep, silent or openly malicious when we see him. These jesting hours must be good for him, as well as we his fandom. :)

o_o wow. The Frodo & Boromir scene did this to me. O_~ I don't know how you managed it, but that was more powerful than the other chapters, which is saying a lot. Frodo's understanding of the Ring's power, and his knowledge of what it's doing to him, as well as his ability to show these things to Boromir and still have the courage to give up his life for the rest of the world was powerful, and there is no other word.
Remember what Jesus said about the greatest love of all? ". . . that a man give up his life for a friend," or words, to that effect. You must pardon any mistakes in my quotes. :)

Author Reply: Hello Chigger! I was looking forward to your review! I thought for sure that you were going to ask me if the hobbits had a kitchen that they cooked in, or if they had food catered in from Elrond's Elvish Diner and Sam just put on the garnish! And I was going to tell you that I didn't know if they had kitchens or not, and that each reader would have to fill in that mental picture.
But instead, you want to know outlandish things such as whether or not Gimli and Legolas are getting along yet! Are you related to Pippin?

Author Reply: Hello Chigger! I was looking forward to your review! I thought for sure that you were going to ask me if the hobbits had a kitchen that they cooked in, or if they had food catered in from Elrond's Elvish Diner and Sam just put on the garnish! And I was going to tell you that I didn't know if they had kitchens or not, and that each reader would have to fill in that mental picture.
But instead, you want to know outlandish things such as whether or not Gimli and Legolas are getting along yet! Are you related to Pippin?

Author Reply:

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