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The Ashes of Twilight  by Tinuviel ylf maegden 3 Review(s)
Elf_Girl_EdhelannaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/21/2004
Hello! I wrote a review a while ago (based on your lament on the Council of Elrond as to lack of readership!) and you replied gushingly about having found an "initiate" in me based on my similarly held beliefs on Egypt, the Mayans & Atlantis (as opposed to the Maiar! Although we could draw parallels there too? :)
Well i have climbed aboard the grey ship, set sail into the West and am ready to add my own story (a work in progress) to the Arda collection. I hope you'll check it out when i've uploaded it and give me your opinions too!
Blessed be (yes, i really AM an Initiate.....practicing for about two years now!) *winks*

RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 3/21/2004
i liked your stories! and why does Gwendolen get all the credit for reviewing your stories hmmm? what am i chopped hobbit feet? i happen to remeber you emailing those stories to me and forcing me to read and review them under pain of death! well... maybe not under pain of death but you get the idea...

Author Reply: Fine! Everyone, Rosie did read my story (finally, after much nagging and explaining and threats) and did review. Thank you, Rosie, and last I checked, you were, wait...never mind.

elf_girl_EdhelannaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 2/25/2004
i'm a bit of newbie to the whole Tolkien/LOTR world, but am doing my best to catch up!
I love the way you wove this tale, so melancholic yet strangely uplifting - i too am of the "reincarnation" ranks, also believing that the Egyptians are indeed "otherworldly" (although i tend to ascribe the parallels between the Egyptian & Mayan civilisations as coming from beyond our planet - as it was partially explored in "Stargate"...too many non-coincidental similarities in their architecture which, without the aid of aerial travel, would make it seemingly impossible for two such distant civilisations to almost mirror themselves) - I also read your lament on the "Council of Elrond" about no-one reviewing your story and as a fellow member I thought it natural to support the creative ventures of like-minded enthusiasts (I am an visual artist myself!)
Thanks for entertaining my mind!
Nai aistalė Eldaron hilya le...

Author Reply: Thanks be! I am absoulutly thrilled to find someone who draws paralells between Egypt, the Maya and so forth. One theory as to why they are so similar is that they came from a common place...yes, they were origonally from Atlantis, which Tolkien called "Numenor" (and, though I know what it means in Elvish, I would like to point out that "Numen" is an Egyptian word.) You find so much of that in Tolkiens work he just reminds me of...well, Da Vinci or Galileo. There is a lot of fact behind LotR too, and I, along with my accomplace Gwen, am creating a web site on the matter. I still cannot believe I found someone like...well, an Initiate! Blessed be!

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