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Just to be With You  by Pervinca 3 Review(s)
BwynnReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 3/28/2004
AWW!!! That was wonderful! Ah! The wedding! The hobbits! How beautiful! I'm so happy they've finally married! It was a great ending, though I'm a bit depressed that it's over... *sniff* Ah, well, as long as there's a promise of more stories, I'm contented.

The two Merry and Estella pics can be found on Deviant Art at and are entitled "Conveniences" and "Sulking." I must also put in a good word for a close friend of mine, ChessaB, who draws the MOST adorable Merry... I've gotten her hooked on the couple as well, thanks to your initial inspiration. Thanks for the great read!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 3/26/2004
Very nice story, indeed! I loved the blessings and vows. So, you're going to give Pippin and Diamond a try, eh? Blessings to *you* on your endeavor! :-)


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 3/23/2004
I loved the wedding. I also enjoyed the story and your Estella is very sweet and seems like she would be lots of fun. Perfect for Merry.Looking forward to your next story.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for reading! As I said in the A/N, much of the credit for the wedding needs to go to Pearl, but I did try to add my own little spin. I'm so glad she let me draw inspiration though - I would have hated to see what the wedding would have been like without her help!

I'm hoping to at least finish the Pippin and Sam/Pervinca story before I get started on the sequel to this one ("Magnificent"), but who knows what will happen, especially because I still have to write my entry for Marigold's Challenge #3! :)

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