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Enigmas- The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo  by MysteriousWays 3 Review(s)
KeenerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/31/2004
I also think that Hobbits are not so daring of creatures and are rather modest, but I still loved this chapter! :) YEA! This chapter made me happy and yes, I am fanning myself to. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? :)


Author Reply: Hi Keener! :)

I agree, Hobbits are nto that daring of creatures as a whole. Llinwe is for the most part very modest. She was very nervous about what she did, but as expressed in the description of her thoughts, prior to disrobing, she feared that if she did nto take drastic measures Frodo would continue to resist the feelings he had for her, and thus not allow her to love him freely as well.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I am thrilled that you were able to enjoy the chapter despite my straying from good Hobbit sensibilities. That is a powerful compliment, and I am honored.

Thank you,

Author Reply: I juat wanted to add. About the heat and the fanning. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Mys- lover of spicy hobbits.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/29/2004
Whew!! Now I'm *really* fanning myself!! Yes!! They finally kissed...and *more*! ;-) Very well written! (applause)

I thought it was a very nice touch about Frodo seeing the Shire that he so desperately tried to save in Linwe. Thank you for sharing your story...waiting in the wings for more!


Author Reply: Yes, I am rather pleased with this chapter myself. Isn't true love exciting? ;)


LossenchristalReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/29/2004
Ok, so I don't agree with the morals of the situation, but I AM glad she finally told him!:)


Author Reply: Hey cool!

A new voice heard from.

Thanks for taking the time to speak out. I can understand and respect your point of view. If we were to get into specifics I think we would agree on many. However I write the story as the muse tells me. I knew I was taking risks with this I hope that you and anyone else reading is not greatly offended to the point of no longer reading.

Thank you for reading and reviewing. :)


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