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History Lessons: The Second Age  by Nilmandra 19 Review(s)
BeeJangReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/28/2004
... ... ate my comment!!! I don't know where it's gone. I left my comment since the day you post this chapter and up till now, not any word appear !?!

Anyway, I just want to tell that I love the idea of little monster. This is very clever to teach young children. They are very young and innocent and do not know that this feeling is called jealousy.

Well, the big matter is here, a quarrel, worse of all, in front of their children. *sob* I understand how Celebrian felt of being behind. And it seemed that Elrond's words are quite harsh too. I pitied them all ... esp Arwen.

Author Reply: Hello Beejang! How nice of you to come over here to leave another review. That truly is kind! I understand that's email system was attacked and then reviews and emails were down for a few days. I sympathize!

I am glad you liked the little monster. I think Elladan (or in the future, little Estel) would like the idea of having a little monster inside, but this worked well for Arwen.

This whole fight was very hard on the whole family. They are incredibly stressed and tempers flared, but I hope that this experience will make them stronger - we will see!

Thanks for the review - I appreciate it!

LKKReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/27/2004
I apologize for not reviewing the last chapter in a timely manner. I want to take this moment to say how true your chapter rang. It is very difficult to be recovering from a serious injury or illness. And sometimes the patient says things he regrets in frustration. You should that unfortunate side-effect of recovery very well.

This chapter where apologies were offered and forgiveness granted was very touching. A perfect counterbalance to the last chapter. I liked how Elrond and Elladan described jealousy to Arwen and helped her understand why Glorfindel was in their lives and how she was helping him.

I'm concerned about the Elrohir's leg. It sounds like there may be injuries you haven't told us about yet.

Elrond and Celebrian -- ai! what can I say? I was a little surprised that Celebrian let herself go in front of the children like that. On the other hand, discovering that they were witnesses may be the ice water she needs poured on her to cool her off. I can't see Elrond changing his mind about his decision, so I think it will be up to her to make the steps towards reconciliation. I hope they make up soon.

Finally, I loved the very opening of the chapter. Glorfindel's "Do you think if we closed our eyes and slept a while longer, we might wake up in Imladris?" made me giggle. :)

Author Reply: I appreciate all that you see in this, LKK. Elrohir is not recovering for a reasons, and his frustration did come out, didn't it? I know too well how that feels, too.

You are very right about the ice - it has hit Celebrian like a ton of bricks. I am impressed to say that she picked herself right back up though. It is said the true test of character is how one reacts under stress - and she may have lost it, and now we see how well she can pull it back together. She is an elf after my own heart, I admit. I have enjoyed writing the aftermath.

Glad Glorfindel made you giggle too. I love tha elf :D

paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/27/2004
Poor Elrond, he really needs a hug. I can see both of their points of view but in some respects he had that coming to him. I think Celebrian will forgive him once she understands his reasons.

Out of everything in that chapter I really loved the argument.

Author Reply: LOL, Nic! I could have guessed you'd like the argument best. Elrond and Celebrian enjoyed making up. I promise people die, too later in the story (all canon, though).

Antigone QReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/26/2004
I quote Lois Bujold: "Tests are a gift, and great tests are a great gift." People are certainly getting their characters built in this story, aren't they? Poor Glorfindel...poor everybody, really. But I'm betting by the end of the story Elrond will find he has a stronger family than he started with.

I'm enjoying, as usual, your characterizations. I could empathize with Celebrian at the exact same time as I wanted to tell her, "Yo! Not in front of the kids." The grandparents having a private little argument about whether Elrond or Celebrian was right, and whether it was a good idea to interfere, was also well done. I love that Glorfindel is so much a part of the family.

Sigh. Could Elrond and Celebrian please make up soon? Their children are not the only ones disturbed by watching that episode.

And are we going to get another history lesson soon?

Author Reply: Elrond and Celebrian have mostly made up, and they enjoyed doing so. ;-) You are so right about tests - and I am trying to both parallel the second age while foreshadowing the future. You are right they will be stronger for the future after this, and the reason Celeborn and Galadriel stay out of this is because of some important things they learned in the prior age. The second age is unfolding in my mind - and hopefully all the players are on the stage where I need them now :D

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/26/2004
I did a dance when I saw this story updated this morning, and was almost crying for Elrond by the end. As a mother, I can see Celebrian's point, but is she so totally clueless about Elrond's feelings for her? (Perhaps stress and the length of the trip to get to the kids pushed her past reason....) That part where Elrond was sitting in the tree by himself and almost crying his distress aloud...*sniff*....And Elrohir, bless his heart, blaming himself - I'm not sure how much more trauma he can withstand! I surely hope his Adar and Naneth come to their senses before he suffers some greater complications ...his condition doesn't appear to be improving much at all. Enjoyed Elrond's resolution to Arwen's jealousy and the whole apology scene. Enjoyed Celeborn's and Galadriel's little "discussion"...enjoyed, ah heck--all of it! Once again, your gift of storytelling has amazed me, and what a different kind of cliffhanger! (still evil as cliffies go, but different!) Don't leave readers hanging too long...might expire from suspense! ;)


Author Reply: Thanks, Linda! If I had you nearly crying for Elrond, I'll admit I *did* cry for him. I hope what will ring true is that Celebrian's anxiety and anger truly do surround their children and wanting to be with them, but Elrond's emotions are deeper - and they are about him and Celebrian, and less about the children.

The next chapter is nearly finished. :D

Camp6311Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/26/2004
Wow, Celebrian did not let her temper cool much on the long road around, and shame on her for making their fight public! Elrond's argument that one of them needed to remain well and whole for their other children seems moot once he crossed over safely, but I'm not going to point that out to Celebrian. I don't think it was his true reason for not allowing her to cross anyway, and as Celeborn so "delicately" pointed out she had a better chance of success than he did.

I am anxious for this story to return to the Second Age, but I also want to see this ugly situation resolved quickly, is wanting both too much to ask??

Author Reply: Poor Celebrian! She really did lose it -and how embarrassing to do so in front of her parents and children! And you are right about Elrond - his reasons for not wanting her to cross have much more to do with him than their children :D.

Both resolution and the second age are coming, so ask away! I am trying to set up the parallels I want to use between the second and third ages, and these conflicts will hopefully work as well as I hope. Thanks for the review!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/25/2004
Wow! Nilmandra, I expected Celebrian to be angry, but boy, oh boy, she outdid herself. I imagine Elrond would have rather faced down an angry warg! And funny how Ada Celeborn was suddenly affronted on his daughter's behalf. Of course, Galadriel was quick to point out he had done the same thing before as husband and father. I think winning an agruement with Galadriel would be tough. However, despite the fact that Tolkien didn't give us much about their relationsip, I think Celeborn was a tough old bird himself and was not wont to back down. He'd have to be a solid guy, secure in himself, to be able to freely love someone as powerful as Galadriel. He had to be powerful, too. Nothing henpecked about him.

It seems everyone is physically better, so now we can work on those pesky little emotional problems. I've pulled my chair up, and I'm waiting on round two. At your leisure, my sweet adorable child...ring that bell.

Very good chapter with a most unusual cliff hanger.


Author Reply: I think Celebrian had cooled off a little, and then Elrohir says he missed her and she lost it :-( I can just imagine that - the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. And you are absolutely right about Celeborn - he is not henpecked at all, and he is both wise and powerful. I am starting to write more of the second age scenes and getting that balance right between he and Galadriel will be difficult, I think, so that neither of them come off looking bad or bitchy :D.

And Round 2 is entertaining, I promise. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/25/2004
You are so right when you say that Elrond is a tragic figure. He is so noble, and his life is one continual cycle of abandonment and loss.

It is also great to see elves indulging in 'family disputes'. They are normally so busy being considered and reflective that to see them wanting to slap each other and shouting is extremely refreshing!

Author Reply: This was one whopping, rather public family dispute, but even at its core is love and the desire to protect one's family. Poor Elrond - I felt for Celebrian, but I think he is actually more vulnerable. Thanks for your comments :-)

carrieReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/25/2004
Oh you break my heart! I am forever outstanded by your writing. This part and the long-awaited reunion was beautiful in its sadness. From Elrond's contemplating that he could not be without CElebrian to her reaction when she arrived.

When I first came to the fandom, I was a devoted Aragorn fan, and although I still am, I have been finding myself looking for more and more Elrond fics and that is tanks, in part, to your portrayal of him. You managed a perfect blend of warrior, healer, leader, father and husband, that is rare and I am addicted to your stories!

I really felt for him in this chapter, he has had to work hard to help his children and had to watch them all suffer so badly only to receive censure first from Celeborn and then from probably the only person who can give him the comfort he needs....poor Elrond! I want to give him a hug!

Please don't keep us waiting too long for the next chapter and I hope it has a nice big make-up scene in it!!

Take care...carrie :)

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Carrie! I am glad you like Elrond - I am an unashamed fangirl, I admit. I think he is one of Tolkien's most tragic figures. And you are absolutely right that the one person Elrond needs love and support from right now is Celebrian. I am trying to get her to go give him one right now. They do need to make up, and they need to do it in front of their children!

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Wow! That was a really good chapter! =D I loved what you did with Celebrian and Elrond, it was just how I pictured it would happen. I would be peeved if I were Celebrian but I can also see why Elrond did what he did; his healing skills were NEEDED across the river because there was fluid in Elrohir's lungs, whereas Celebrian couldn't really offer much healing skills so she didn't have to risk her life. Ach, poor Elrohir. More soonn.

Author Reply: It is hard when you can see both sides! And now Elrohir, in his pain and drugged state, feels guilty on top of everything else. Poor thing. More wil come soon :-)

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